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AN: Waring! Things get kinda sexy.

Noel lay flat on his back, staring up at the magnolia artex on his ceiling. His heart was still pounding, and his mouth still tasted like her lipstick. Maggie Mitchell had kissed him. And he'd kissed her back. Repeatedly. What did it all mean? They'd parted dazedly and without promise overwhelmed by the whole thing. They had to work together in 2 days. Maybe she'd want to act like it had never happened? Noel couldn't stop thinking about her. Couldn't get the kiss out of his head. Fuck. This felt weird. It was terrifying. He felt like he was losing his mind in the best way. She was filling up all of the hollow spaces inside him. He couldn't breathe.

Maggie hadn't slept well she kept thinking about Noel. The feel of his warm lips and hands on her was consuming every waking thought. Was it just a heat of the moment thing? They hadn't spoken about it. Should she chap his door and just ask? Would that be too forward? Liam's voice suddenly rang in her head. Noel wouldn't make the first move when things were so uncertain still. So, there was only one thing for it.

It was mid day. Another scorcher. Maggie had been watching the street all day off and on. It didn't look like he'd left. From what she could see. Her mum and dad kept giving her odd looks, which she ignored. She sighed. Fuck it. She couldn't go on like this.

She walked along the street and chapped on the Gallagher's door.

Peggy answered with a warm smile.

"Hi. I was wondering if Noel was in?"

Peggy nodded.

"Yes. Come in and wait won't you love?"

Maggie nodded thanking her. Her heart was pounding as Peggy shouted on him. 

Peggy glanced to her awkwardly and Maggie felt the need to make conversation or else her nerves would get the better of her.

"Nice weather we've been having eh?" Maggie said.

She inwardly cringed. Nice weather?

Peggy's smile widened.

"Right so. Are you two going out somewhere?" She asked.

Maggie could feel her face heat out of embarrassment. Please don't let my face show how crazy over your son I am she begged.

"Yeah. If he wasn't busy."

Noel stood at the top of the stairs and her eyes caught his for a moment. For a brief moment he looked flustered then he looked cool as a cucumber.

"Hi." Maggie said awkwardly.

"Hi." He replied.

Peggy's eyes flitted between the two with interest.

"Do you want to go a walk or something?" She asked casually annoyed to hear a waver in her voice.

Noel hesitated then nodded.

"Will you be home for tea?" Peggy asked.

Noel shrugged.

Peggy nodded with an enigmatic smile.

"Bye." Said Maggie with an awkward wave.

Peggy waved back.

"Bye. Nice seeing you again."

Maggie exhaled shakily as they made their way down the road. Silence. A slightly awkward strained silence between them for the first time ever.

Maggie glanced at Noel. He drew on his cigarette and extended it to Maggie. She took it eagerly with shaking fingers.

He looked calm, cool perhaps even uninterested. Maggie began to feel a twisting in her gut. Uncertainty. Maybe he'd gotten it all out his system? Maybe she was a terrible kisser? Maybe...it hadn't meant anything? He was the one that had said from the get go for her not to fall for him.

Pictures Of YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora