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It had been a few days since Maggie had seen Noel. It was a rare sunny day. And as much as goths were notoriously known for avoiding the light she rather enjoyed it. She wondered if Noel was busy. Or even in. Only one way to find out. She knocked on the door nervously. It was pulled open by Liam who smiled at her warmly.

"Alright Maggie?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Yeah. You?"

She stood awkwardly for a moment in the doorway as Liam leant casually in the doorframe. He was quite close. She could smell the juicy fruit gum he was chewing. He smiled at her and lowered those devastating lashes over those pretty blue eyes of his. She was going to label the phenomenon Gallagher eye hypnosis/mind control.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked.

"Is Noel about?" She asked.

Liam shrugged.

"He can be if you want me to get him. But I should pre-warn you... I'm the better date."

Maggie chuckled at his boldness. Liam had never really been flirty with her before but she had to admit he was very charming in a confident way that was different from his brother. Liam seemed more relaxed like he cared less what you thought. Noel although he tried to pretend he didn't give a fuck...she knew he really did.

"Oh, is that so? Where would you take me then on this date?" She asked playing along. He was messing around with her. He wasn't actually being serious.

Liam held her gaze intensely.

"That'd be telling. Go out with me and I'll show you." He said with the hint of an amused smile.

Maggie suddenly got the feeling maybe Liam wasn't messing around completely. Oh God. What the hell. She was starting to panic. She liked Noel. Liam was handsome, lovely. But it was Noel she liked. But how could she tell him that without ruining everything? She'd promised Noel she didn't fancy him. She'd assured him she never would. Fuck.


Noel's voice brought her out of her spiraling thoughts. He was at the top of the stairs and looked mildly concerned.

She looked over Liam's shoulder and smiled up at him feeling instantly like she was weightless. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as he smiled back.

"I thought I heard you. What's up?" He said as he came downstairs.

He squeezed past elbowing Liam unceremoniously out of the doorway. Liam glared at him.

"Uh...are you busy?" She asked.

Noel shook his head.


"Would you like to be?" She asked.

Noel hesitated then nodded.

"Yeah, alright."

Noel shuffled into his shoes feeling Liam burning a hole into his skull. He was brimming with pride. He felt like he could take on the world at that moment. She wasn't looking at Liam...she was looking at him. She'd come for him. To spend time with him.

He had a renewed confident bounce and lightness in his step as he walked by her side in the rare warm sunshine.

"What was Liam saying to you?" He asked tentatively.

Maggie's mouth quirked tentatively. It would be imperceptible to those that didn't know Noel Gallagher's tells. But he was slightly ruffled. He sounded cool. Casual. Passé even. But there was a slight tension. Jealously. Possessiveness. She hadn't witnessed these vices in Noel before. Particularly regarding her. Odd.

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