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Maggie listened to the water running upstairs. Noel was taking a shower in her house. He was in her house. Her heart beat oddly in her chest. This was all so strange. Maggie looked at the orange yolks of the eggs and the clear White's turning opaque in the heat. She'd never cooked for anyone that wasn't herself. She felt oddly pressured. And she couldn't quite explain why. She wanted to please him. She had an oddly domestic desire to feed him and comfort him that she'd never had before. It was pathetic. 

Noel let the steam clear his head. He winced as he felt the raw skin on his knuckles re-open. She was taking care of him. Why? He felt like an open wound exposed and vulnerable. He'd opened up to her. Stupid. He had to keep his distance. She was getting too close. He wasn't good for her. He thought about the split in her soft, pink, bottom lip. If not for him that wouldn't be there...Get cleaned up. Thank her. And don't talk to her again except for when you need to at work.

It wasn't as awkward as she imagined earing breakfast with Noel Gallagher. She stole small glances as the wet tendrils of his hair brushed against his neck and bushy brows. He had beautiful long eyelashes. He was eating the food she had made and it was making her feel self conscious. A compliment would make her feel awkward and embarassed but his silence made her feel on edge. Was it bad? She winced the edge of her toast brushed against her split lip.

"I'm sorry about that. Is it sore?" He asked softly.

Maggie nodded slowly.

"A bit. It's alright it wasn't your fault."

Noel shook his head.

"If I hadn't fought with him. You wouldn't have had to break it up. And you wouldnt have got hurt. My fault."

He held her gaze until Maggie had to look away. Too blue. Too pretty.

Noel shuffled into his jacket that Maggie had returned.

"Thanks for...listening. And for breakfast. I should go. I'll see ya at work."

Maggie felt her stomach clench. He was leaving. At work? That was a week away. He didn't want to see her outside of work. He didn't want to be her friend or spend time with her. He was making his intentions clear. But Maggie saw right through it.  He was being careful. He was keeping his distance not because he wanted to but to stop her getting hurt like she had last night.

Maggie grabbed his arm again.

"Stop. You don't need to protect me. I'm not scared of you. Of...seeing you outside of work if you aren't I mean."

Noel glanced carefully between her hand and her face. She felt so warm. She wasn't letting him go. Literally or otherwise.

Noel smiled tentatively.

"I'm not afraid. I just...don't think it's a good idea."

Maggie rolled her eyes.

"Why? We get on alright don't we? I like you."

Noel's eyes widened and he looked shy suddenly. She liked him? What did she mean by that exactly?

Noel sighed.

"Course we do. But...like what would we do exactly?"

Maggie shrugged.

"We wouldn't need to do anything. We could do whatever we wanted. There's no...expectation. On my part anyway. Just to be clear...I don't like...fancy you or anything alright? And I never will. So don't go getting any ideas."

Noel laughed.

"Alright, alright fucking hell. You know how to make a guy feel special don't you?"

Maggie blushed slightly beneath his crinkled gaze.

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