Pretenders of Love

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"You seem different lately." Said Kelly softly.

The black dress Maggie was looking at slipped through her fingers and off the hanger onto the floor.

Kelly picked it up and handed it to her with a gentle smile upon seeing her worried expression.

"What's going on?"

Maggie shrugged trying to stay cool.


Kelly raised her brows and kept her eyes on her.

Maggie flushed beneath her intense gaze.

She exhaled shakily.

"Everything." She mumbled.

Kelly waited patiently as Maggie put the dress back distracting herself from how awkward and terrifying it was to admit the truth.

"I think...I think I might sort of love."

Kelly's eyes widened with surprise then she laughed.

"Fucking hell sounds painful. Well...that's good isn't it?"

Maggie shrugged.

"Yes. And no. It's just...complicated."

"Why? Because its Noel Gallagher." She said with a teasing smile.

Maggie blushed.

"Yeah. I mean how is it ever going to work?"

Kelly shrugged.

"Well it's obviously been working up till now and I mean when you two are alone together it works right?"

Maggie smiled as she thought about his blue eyes crinkling, their naked shoulders brushing, the sweet whispers, soft touches.

"Yeah. He's so sweet with me Kelly. He's kind and funny and so opinionated that at times he drives me mad but-"

"You love him."

Maggie nodded.

"He's nothing like Ben or other guys I've been with before either where it was like an expectation for me to have sex with them and then there was all this pressure...he's never once made me feel like that. He makes me feel enough. More than enough just as I am you know?"

Kelly smiled.

"Good for you. It's not as big a deal as everyone makes it. I've told you before. It's nice he's waiting for you to be ready. Some lad."

Maggie blushed and bit her lip.

"Well...about that..."

Kelly gasped.

"You fucking never?! Tell me everything."

Maggie shook her head.

"I can't! It was really special. But I'll tell you a little bit."

Maggie and Kelly watched the sea of sky blue returning from Maine Road as they discussed her first navigation of real intimacy and love. She kept her eyes peeled and alert looking for Liam and Noel. The major crowds had long gone now. They must have stopped for a pint or something.

"Hey that's them!" Said Kelly pointing.

Maggie felt her heart flutter as she saw Noel and Liam walking down the street. They were laughing together. A rare occurrence. Kelly ran out and Maggie shouted after her.

"Kelly wait!"

Noel saw Kelly first and gave her a wave. Liam looked unusually shy and straightened up his swagger slightly. Noel rolled his eyes. Pathetic.

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