It's A Sin

174 8 7

June 23rd

Maggie gasped as Noel leant across her in the back stock room. He was reaching above her head to get stock but it meant she was pushed back onto the bench slightly. His wiry frame pressed against her body. A feeling that was becoming increasingly addictive and one she was now very familiar with. His blue eyes deepened in the dim light temptingly as his eyes glanced down at her mouth. Noel moved his face closer. His breath ghosted over her lips. Gum and cigarettes. Maggie put her hands on his waist gently before letting them slip momentarily to the denim over his bum. Noel's brows rose and he grinned. A sinful flush dusting his cheeks.

"Ay. Behave. Mr Sifter's right outside and we've already been gone 5 minutes." Said Noel warningly.

But he was only half serious. He also very much wanted Maggie. Everywhere and anywhere at all times. So far they'd managed not to get caught but they were beginning to take bigger risks as their desire became too much to endure.

Maggie smiled and closed the distance between them. She pressed her lips to his gently giving his bum a playful squeeze. Noel deepened the kiss and she pulled back separating from him unwillingly before they got too carried away. 

"You know your work rate has been really lacking lately Gallagher. What happened to that eager new hire from a month ago?" She said teasingly.

Noel tenderly brushed his index finger across her cheek causing her to shiver.

"I prefer to use my energy elsewhere for other things."

Maggie felt her face heat. It was strange yet not strange at all how their relationship had developed from then to now. Noel was making her feel things she hadn't felt with anyone else. Not this intensely at least.

They had a strong connection. A bond that was based on trust and respect that had now bloomed into physical passion. It had all happened so unexpectedly. Maggie now wanted to spend all the time she possibly could with Noel and he her. Their friends were asking questions as to why they never showed up at parties or the club anymore. But that time became precious private time where they could be alone and safe in their own little bubble.

Sometimes they just laid together and talked. On the rarest of occasions Maggie had even seen Noel at his most vulnerable. Sometimes he'd talk to her about his family. His father. And she knew that Noel didn't do that with just anyone. It made her feel incredibly protective of him. He'd seemed so tough at first, he still was
...but he was also incredibly vulnerable and breakable. She didn't show him pity that would only make him feel inadequate and awkward instead she just wrapped her arms around him and gave him the affection he clearly craved and hadn't had much of in his life.

Maggie's heart raced as she worked up the courage to ask Noel something she'd wanted to ask all week but had been too shy to do so. There were possible implications to the question.

"Do you want to come over later? My parents are away for the weekend."

Noel hesitated, gaguing her reaction.
He could see she was nervous. This was different from the art studio. This was her home. Her...bedroom she was inviting him into.

When he'd been a younger teenager he was used to having girls in all kinds of places. Up closes, up the park, at mates houses...anywhere they could be alone. When you're both living at home, it can be hard to have privacy. But now most of the girls he got with now had their own place or flatmates. They were usually older than Maggie...he often forgot she was only 17. But he remembered what the implications of inviting someone around when your parents were gone were.

"Yeah. I'll come over. And I know it's not to have sex with me so don't worry about it."

Maggie felt her heart pound as she for a moment let herself imagine what sex with Noel Gallagher could be like. Passionate, gentle, overwhelming. Hazy blue eyes glazed with lust, hot sticky skin, soap, cigarettes the soft moans of pleasure slipping between his soft lips.

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