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AN: Sexytimes, angst and resolution.

Maggie's mind for a moment was filled with panic. Would it hurt? What if she wasn't good? How was she supposed to move? The barage of sexual hints and tips Kelly had imparted her with over the hears suddenly seemed to leave her head entirely. She desperately tried to hold her nerve as Noel's gentle kisses pressed against her throat. He stopped suddenly and gazed down at her.

He could feel her shaking. Her eyes were whirling with fear. Fear towards him. He had only been with a girl that hadn't slept with anyone else twice. His first two serious girlfriends. It was a lot of pressure. And it had been a while ago. He'd been a teenager himself.

"You're scared." He whispered softly.

Maggie shook her head quickly afraid that he'd stop and change his mind. But you couldn't lie to Noel Gallagher. He could see right through you.

She exhaled shakily.

"A little bit. But not of you. And I do feel...ready."

Noel nodded.

"Then what are you scared of?"

Maggie hesitated feeling her face flush in embarrassment. She would seem so stupid and inexperienced to him.

"No matter how many people tell you what it's like or how to do it...I'm still not sure what to expect. And I don't want to be...bad at this."

Noel smiled and shook his head.

"There's no way you'll be bad at this trust me. When I said sometimes it's not great earlier I didn't mean because of the...physical stuff. It's all about how you feel here and here." He said pointing to his head and chest.

Maggie felt her heart pound in her chest. It was pounding for him. She nodded and let her body relax beneath his. She let herself get swept up in the feelings evoked by his warm skin and lips. This was more than physical and that was terrifying and addictive.

Noel could feel how tenderly she was holding him. Her touch was gentle. He'd never thought of the act as being pure or innocent before. This felt different. He was terrified of this new feeling. But he couldn't let her see not when she was so nervous herself.

Noel's head was filled with her. Her perfume and shampoo, the scent of her skin she was keeping into his skin. Into his heart. Oh dear. One last moment before it would be too late to turn back.

"Maggie...are you sure?"

Maggie nodded. Maggie let her fears slip into the background of her mind as she lost herself in the sensations of pleasure they brought each other. Maggie felt a swooping sensation in her gut as she fully realised for the first time...she really had fallen for him. Hard and fast. And he'd promised her not to.

Noel tried not to think of anything besides what they were physically doing to each other because it was causing him to panic slightly. He had been asked by Liam what love felt like and he had answered honestly. He'd had moments where he'd deeply cared for a girl...but it hadn't been love or what he imagined that must be like. They were right on the line. If he kept going he'd tumble over onto the unknown with her. He'd be admitting he'd fallen in love with her. And then would come the inevitable heartache, the fighting...until that love turned to hate. He felt her hands on his face gently. Her hazel eyes softened with desire and a quiet peacefulness had replaced the fear as she gazed at him meaningfully. It was too late.

She watched in awed anticipation as he slipped a condom on. He hesitated giving her one last chance to put a stop to this but she pulled him close. Noel exhaled shakily as he was welcomed into her warmth. He heard her gasp and she clutched onto him tightly.

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