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AN: Not a time appropriate song but an appropriate one nonetheless....

Noel thought about putting a stop to this. He could feel the barely healed wounds she'd left re-opening. It was pleasure and it was pain. And he couldn't stop. They couldn't stop. The outpouring of mind emotions. Sadness, fear, love, lust, was all mixed up in the feel of her skin and the smell of her perfume that had been intensified by the rain. They eagerly rid themselves of their sticky, rain soaked clothes. Rain drenched cool skin igniting on fire with each brush of hands and lips. Tongues dancing a mix of gun and cigarettes. Maggie held him closer in the cramped backseat. It wasn't exactly comfortable but she didn't care. And neither did he. They needed each other and it was as simple as that.

Noel wasn't sure that what he had with her was normal. It felt like they were going to burn up. It felt like living and dying all at once. Everything was heightened. Every touch, every taste. Only with her. He felt her eager fingers in his hair. He felt her thighs tighten around his jaw as he tasted her. He'd gone against his own, normally very strict, self control and better judgement. Noel Gallagher had never really cheated before. Until now that was. He didn't intend for this to happen. He didn't think Maggie had either. Yet here they were. He should've told her about Lisa...but it was too late now and he was powerless to stop. The guilt that was gnawing at his stomach alongside the pleasure gave way. There would be only one winner here. Nice one. You really are a cheating bastard like him.

Maggie smiled as she listened to their moans reverberating around the metal frame of her car. Condensation was rolling down the windows. Every touch of his hand. Every kiss on his mouth felt like pure electricity. They were an inevitable chemical reaction. There was no denying it. She'd been stupid to think she could ever move on from Noel Gallagher. He moved inside of her as she pulled him in deeper. She was on top and in control of how deep he could go. She'd let Noel Gallagher into Every part of herself physically and emotionally and now right in this moment she swore it felt like their souls were touching, if such a thing as souls existed. And in that moment it really did.

She felt him tense. He was close and so was she. She felt her eyes roll back as his lips brushed against her throat so gently and reverently despite the passion of the act. Oblivion. There was no failed London College. There was no past. No future. Only this moment with him. She felt their hearts pound together as he came inside of her their mutual pleasure warm and glowing. Irresponsible. Stupid. She was on the pill but he hadn't worn a condom. They'd both been stupid and thoughtless tonight. Unavoidable, unplanned, inevitable pleasurable.

Their breaths were ragged in the dewy afterglow. They kissed lazily with tender touches. Maggie looked into the depths of his beautiful blue eyes. A slight guarded essence returning to them a flush over his cheeks that looked equal parts apologetic and pleasured.

He'd lost his control and now the guilt was eating him alive until it would consume him completely.

Maggie drove them home. Noel smoked deep in contemplation. They barely spoke. Maggie pulled up outside Noel's flat.

Noel glanced at her they shy blush tinting his cheeks again. Maggie smiled.

"I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened like that-I just couldnt-"

Maggie squeezed his hand and smiled.

"It's alright. You don't need to be sorry. I wanted to. If you couldn't tell. I think maybe with us things don't always need to make sense."

Noel nodded in agreement.

"Do you wanna...come in?" He asked hesitantly.

Maggie nodded.

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