Never Let Me Down Again

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AN: trigger warning - one use of a derogatory word for gay said in a jokey 80s/90s humour context.

"Alright?" Asked Noel casually as they now stood shoulder to shoulder in the smoky room.

Maggie shook her head and smiled.

"You came."

Noel nodded.

"Well, you did invite me."

Maggie nodded.

"I did. And in a way I'm sort of glad you came. What you drinking?"

"Anything strong."

Maggie gazed at him for a moment taking in his expression properly. Even with his glasses on he looked jaded. Today hadn't gone well.

Maggie nodded. She whispered in the bar tender's ear so he could her her over the thumping music.

He produced two shot glasses and put them on the bar. She took hers and gestured for Noel to do the same. She clinked her glass against his.

"To forgetting."

Noel nodded with a grateful smile. The great thing about Maggie was she didn't question.

"Forgetting." He said as they clicked their glasses once more.

And they both drank deeply feeling the acidic burn.

Noel glanced sideways surreptitiously at Maggie. She looked different. Her make up was a bit softer. And her hair was down. It looked soft as it fell in tendrils over shoulder. For a maddening moment he almost reached out his fingers to twine through it. She looked gorgeous. He could see little bits of her skin she didn't show at work. The lightly freckled tops of her shoulders that showed no matter how hard she tried to stay pale her skin naturally freckled in the sun. Her marvelled at the silky soft material of her dress as it slipped and slid over the gentle curves of her body. What a fucking knock out. And she'd lived in his street all his life. Taken shite off of idiots heckling her. Why? Why would anyone think she wasn't physically stunning even without knowing the fact she was also very kind and interesting.

"Oi! So this is who you were waiting on. She never said by the way. How's that brother of yours?" Kelly said with a relaxed wink directed at Noel.

Maggie felt her face heat guiltily. She hoped she was keeping a cool facade.

Noel shrugged.

"He's alright. Up to no good no doubt."

Kelly and Noel introduced one another. The conversation and the drinks flowed easily. Noel relaxed into his surroundings like displaced water.

"What's with the shades?" She asked.

Maggie elbowed Kelly in the ribs warningly causing her to cry out.

Noel removed his glasses slowly. Maggie felt her whole body tense up upon seeing the lilac bruise blooming beeath his eye socket. She knew his father had given him that and Noel knew she knew that horrible little fact.

Noel smiled tightly.

"You should see the other guy though." He said cockily.

Kelly laughed and Maggie just stared at him with sad eyes that threatened to overflow with tears. She held them in. He didn't want her pity. His eyes caught hers nervously and she gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

Noel was a good conversationalist and the drinks flowed freely. He looked more relaxed than he had when he'd first walked in.

Noel was pretty well on by the time midnight rolled around. When he excused himself to go to the toilet Kelly assaulted her with questions. Questions Maggie didn't really want to answer. She shut Kelly down.

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