The Rhythm of the Night

131 6 7

May 1994

Noel held a letter in his hand smiling at the handwriting and the post mark. London. Maggie. They'd been in a rush to get in the van and he hadn't had a chance to read it yet. They were heading south on the M6. That was going to become a familiar sight over the coming months. They were touring all over the UK and US. Booked right through to next year. Noel couldn't quite believe, and yet he sort of could if he was honest with himself, how well Supersonic was doing. People were listening to his song. And they loved it. They'd been caught in a whirlwind ever since Alan McGhee had signed them to his label last month.

At any moment he felt like everything could propel them to success or failure. Were Oasis going to be in the one hit wonder bracket? He was nervous and excited and numb all at once. It had all happened so fast.

He glanced down at Maggie's handwriting again. They often had long phone conversations even though they hadn't seen each other in real life in over a year. He'd spilled his guts to Maggie, as he always unintentionally ended up doing, about all his worries last week. He thought back to their conversation fondly. They both never allowed the other to get wrapped up in their own head.

"Yeah it's doing well now. If the next one doesn't I'm fucked. One hit wonder."

Maggie scoffed.

"Fuck off! You won't be and even if you are one hit wonder is better than a fucking no hit wonder."

Noel smiled at the indignation in her voice.

"Wow. Cheers." He replied sarcastically.

"You know what I mean. There's no way. Liam is too fit lasses are all going wild for him in my work. Second they saw him they were like "Ay Maggie you're from Manchester do you know 'im? He's gorgeous. His eyes. His hair-yada yada."

Noel laughed.

"Fuck off! You serious? Oh nice one just lusting over r'kid dont even care about the song."

Maggie giggled.

"Deadly serious. Nah they love the song too."

"Well...what did you say?" Asked Noel intrigued.

Maggie paused.

"I said that I didn't know him. But that if I had I would probably have went for his brother anyway..."

Noel felt his heart pound in his chest. Fuck.

Maggie blushed and bit her lip as she played with the cird on the telephone.

"Good." Said Noel gently.

"Are you touring again soon?" She asked.

Noel smiled.

"Yeah. A lot. Were coming to London next month-"

"When can I see you?" She asked eagerly.

Noel grinned.

"Come see us play. We've got a lot better since last time. Promise."

"I wouldn't miss it."

He surreptitiously glanced around in the van as they trundled south. He didn't want any of the lads to see. This was private. Personal. He didn't want to share it. What he had with her.

Liam was the only one awake. He was cramped in the back beside him. Bonehead and Guisy were practically spooning against the back wall with all the gear precariously piled beside them. Tony was driving. Poor bugger. Liam and Noel almost felt bad they couldn't tag in on the driving. But if he was honest in a selfish way he was grateful he couldn't drive.

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