Dark Entries

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AN: trigger warning of an abusive parent/child dynamic.

June 6th

It was a rare warm, sunny day in Manchester and as Maggie watched the sea of sky blue shirts making their way to Maine Road from out of the window she felt a twinge of worry in her gut. Knots of worry. Not for herself, though. What if something happened to him? Or what if his dad disappointed him again? Honestly, she really hoped Noel had a good day. Even though it killed her to admit it. Especially since he'd left her to do everything on her own. She smiled shyly as she thought back to his pleading expression last week. She could tell there was something playing on his mind. She could see it plainly on his face.

"Spit it out for fuck's sake." She said as she glanced up at him whilst she completed inventory.

Noel sighed looking slightly defeated.

"Look...I wasn't even gonna bother asking for the day off but Man City are playing next Saturday-"

Maggie rolled her eyes. Pathetic.


Noel looked at her with a pleading soft expression she hadn't witnessed before.

"I'll work extra hours for you on the Sunday, anything you want I'll do it. Please."

Maggie's eyes rose to his in shock. The last word had been spoken so quietly she was sure she must be mistaken. But one look at his desperate expression and she knew she hadn't misheard.

"Wow. Desperate much? What's the big deal? They play like every weekend."

Noel shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"You really don't get how football works do you? Me dad got us the ticket...I've not seen him in a while." He said awkwardly.

Maggie internally winced. She shouldn't have pushed him on this. Noel had told her nothing explicit, yet it was all there to read between the lines and from what she already knew Sifter had told her about his family. What Noel really meant was: I want to go spend time with my dad because he never wants to see me.

"OK." She said quietly with a shrug.

Noel's eyes widened, and he stared at her.

"What? Just like that? No questions asked and no terms?"

Maggie nodded.

"Yeah. It's fine. Just repay the favour if The Cure ever play here again."

Noel nodded.

There was silence then an awkward "Thanks" muttered by Noel.

Maggie thought the conversation had ended but Noel broke the silence.

"He don't really make the effort to see us often. He shows up sometimes at birthdays or Christmas. I don't...actually know why I said yes. Or why I'm even looking forward to it."

Maggie hesitated processing his words. Noel was still busy counting the cash and the tinkling of the coins was the only sound in the silence. Was he talking to himself just trying to clear his head? Maybe he felt he owed her an explanation? Or maybe...he was looking for a friend? She had to cross off each option one by one. She couldn't address it outright, or he'd clam up about it.

"You don't owe me an explanation. I said I'd do your shift."

Noel paused.

"I know I was just...trying to sort my head out I suppose. Sorry."

Maggie felt her cheeks heat slightly. He'd meant to be heard, and he wasn't giving an explanation. Friend it was then.

"He's your dad Noel. You said yes because you want to spend time with him. It's not weird."

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