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Things began to change on this particular day though, Harry had ridden a particularly long way into the forest. He had a loose flowy shirt in quite an obnoxious shade of red as well as loose cream dress trousers, he had taken his heavy black cloak with him, and it lay over Buttercup's saddle behind him. 

His slightly shorter curls were being held back by a band made of black velvet and by slightly shorter they were still brushing his shoulders when they were down- as opposed to them almost reaching his chest because this haircut was more 'prince-like'.

He allowed Buttercup to slow as they walked along the riverside, Harry squinted upon seeing three men standing by the side of the path, one was taller than the rest seemingly quite strong although he looked like a teddy bear, one was an obnoxious blonde with a sword by his waist and one was dark seemingly very intimidating.

As Harry approached them, he considered turning away and heading home but part of him was just ever so slightly curious about the three men in his path.

The blonde approached him, and Harry looked down slightly questioningly "Your Highness, we are but three lost performers, do you know if there is a village nearby?" Harry sighed looking down at them wearily "Afraid not, there's not a single thing from miles"

The tallest of the three started to approach slowly looking less like a teddy bear, the darkest boy smiled "well that means there'll be no one to hear you scream princess"

Harry froze "what?" The tallest reached out to him and he froze up feeling a light pressure on his neck as he passed out, he fell against Buttercups neck and with his last bit of conscious he muttered to her "get home Buttercup go".

The three boys stood around the unconscious prince looking a bit gormless "well what are we supposed to do now?" Liam shrugged "don't know Niall." Zayn rolled his eyes "you three are useless get him back to the ship we have a war we are being paid to start here," Liam's eyes widened a bit as he scooped Harry into his arms "a war?"

"Yes, a war you were told that Li, it pays good."

The three walked towards the ship "Simon didn't say anything about a war?"

Zayn sighed "yes, he did, that's literally the point of kidnapping the prince, we kidnap him dump his body on the other lands shores, boom. The nation assumes the other land killed Harold here then there's a war".

"Huh that does actually kinda make sense,"

Zayn sighed again "yes Niall it does,"

"Wait Simon didn't say anything about killing anyone."

Zayn facepalmed "what did you just miss the sentence dump his body on the other lands shores or did that go over your head?"

Liam hesitated as he placed Harry down "is it really right to kill something so innocent I mean look at him," The three turned to face the boy in question who was propped against the deck, his curls falling into his face and splaying around his head where it was resting on the deck.

Zayn shrugged "I don't like it any more than you lads do, but we don't really have a choice." As they set sail Niall and Liam started playing a rhyming game while Zayn watched the now slightly awake Harry, who was sitting with a very stubborn look on his face.

The group continued to sail even as the sun set, Niall kept looking over the back of the boat and Zayn kept telling him off "but what if someone is following us?" Zayn shook his head "that's completely impossible Ni, we had too much of a head start." the dark surrounded them, and Niall still kept checking "Niall what makes you think someone is following us?"

Niall shrugged "well because when I looked someone was there," Zayn jumped to his feet and darted over to where Niall was standing and just as the blonde had said there was a ship with a white sail seemingly following them.

Zayn rubbed a hand over his temples thinking until he heard a splash, all three whipped their heads round as they spotted Harry swimming away from their boat "someone get him!" Zayn shouted frantically looking to Niall, who shrugged "I don't swim."

"LIAM?" Liam also shrugged "I only do doggy paddle" and to emphasise his point he did the little pawing action in the air.

Zayn let out a frustrated sound and started shouting an order "hard left, these aren't safe enough waters from him to be in," 

My Sweet Flower - Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now