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The trio had managed to get up onto the ramparts of the castle, dragging Louis behind them. Looking into the courtyard, Liam stared at the guards "that's far more than thirty,"

Niall and Zayn propped Louis up "we are gonna have to force feed him this," Niall shook the bag, into his hand picking up the herby lump. "Someone support his neck and someone hold his jaw open," the other two complied and Niall dropped the odd-looking herb mix into Louis' mouth.

Liam turned "how long do we have to wait before we know if it worked?"

Niall shrugged "your guess is as good as mine,"

All three startled when Louis' eyes immediately opened, Zayn tilted his head "not too long I suppose,"

Louis shook his head to focus "why won't my arms work," Liam shrugged "my guess would be because you've been mostly dead all day."

Niall nodded "we had miracle max make a pill to bring you back."

Louis stilled "who are you? Are we enemies? Why am I on this wall? Where's Harry?"

Niall shushed him "let me explain, there is not time, let me break it down. Harry is being forced to marry the king to be in less than half an hour, so all we have to do is get in, snatch Harry, and make our escape after I kill the general."

Louis moved his shoulders in circles "doesn't leave much time for dilly dallying then."

"What are our liabilities," Niall smiled "it's one working castle gate,"

"It is guarded by sixty men" they lifted Louis slightly so his head flopped back, and he could see over the wall, "and our assets?"

"Your skills, my steel, his strength and his wit"

Louis paused "that's it? Impossible, maybe if I had a month to plan, but this? No"

"I suppose if we had a wheelbarrow, but we don't,"

Zayn grinned "what did you two do with that wheelbarrow the assistant had,"

Niall grinned back "we left it nearby!"

Louis grumbled, "why wasn't that on our list of assets in the first place,"

Louis sighed "and what I wouldn't give for a holocaust cloak," Liam pulled a long black robe from his pocket "would this do?"

Niall scrunched his face up "where on earth did you get that?"

"At miracle max's goes anywhere fits anyone,"

Louis shook his head "right now lift me up, and I'm going to need a sword at some point."

Niall paused, "why? You can't even lift one."

Louis tutted "but that's not common knowledge, is it?"

They set off along the ramparts half supporting Louis between them. 

My Sweet Flower - Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now