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Deep in a forest Niall banged on the door of a small cottage, "Go away!"

Niall knocked again, and again, and again until a small flap opened on the door. A very old man appeared "What, what do you want?"

"Are you miracle max that worked for the king and helped my father?"

"Not anymore, the kings stinking son fired me, thanks so much for bringing up such a lovely topic, why don't you just give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it while you're at it. We are closed!"

The little window slammed.

Niall knocked again, "Beat it or I'll call the brute squad."

Liam raised an eyebrow "I'm on the brute squad".


Niall paused "we need a miracle, it's very important,"

"Look, I'm retired, I was fired. At any rate I might kill the person you want a miracle for"

Niall looked at Louis' limp body "he's already dead,"

The man paused "well you'd better come in then."

Niall helped Liam lay louis on the table and Max immediately started looking at him, examining limbs and reflexes as well as the state of his shredded clothes. "I've seen worse."

Zayn paused "sir, we are in a rush."

The man smoothed his hands together "don't rush me, rushed miracles are bad miracles, you have money, yes?"

"We have sixty-five golden galleons."

"Yeesh I have never worked for so little, well I did once but it was a very noble cause."

Niall paused "this is noble sir, his wife is crippled, his children on the brink of starvation."

The man laughed "aren't you a rotten liar!"

Niall groaned "I need him to help avenge my father, who was murdered."

"Your first story was more believable go back to that."

Niall sighed "I need him so he can get back the man the 'king' is to marry by force." The small old man's eyes lit up. "This will upset the king to be?"

Niall nodded slowly, the old man clapped his hands together "in that case I will do it for free!" he laughed gleefully. "where's that bellows crank. What the real story then, I'll ask him."

Niall paused "you can't ask him, he's dead."

"Ooh okay look who knows so much, it just so happens that your friend here is only mostly dead. Theres a big difference between mostly and all dead. Pass me that,"

That was the last thing said before he got to work, chanting, mixing herbs, shouting. He finally handed Niall a small bag, "this will do the trick, promise you will give the king all the humiliation he deserves, and don't let your man here swim for at least an hour after taking this." He tapped the bag in Niall's hand. "Farewell! Good luck!" they nodded their goodbyes.

My Sweet Flower - Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now