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Zayn however had seen Niall on the ground and assumed him dead both he and Liam had been quite upset at the discovery, but Zayn had still told him to wait just around the bend and try to get rid of the masked man his own way, "what's my own way?" Zayn shrugged "I don't know Liam hide behind that rock and then hit him with one of those little rocks,"

Liam grumbled "Doesn't seem very fair," Zayn rolled his eyes "it's murder Liam it's not supposed to be fair." with that, Zayn grabbed Harry and dragged him away, Liam waited until he saw the man and launched the boulder, watching it shatter a foot away from the unsuspecting man's head.

The masked man now had his guard up and watched intently as Liam picked up another small rock "I did that on purpose by the way, I didn't have to miss," The man in black rocked on his feet "I believe you," he paused "so what happens now?" Liam smiled "We face each other as its probably intended, in a sportsmanlike manner- no tricks, no weapons just skin against skin alone."

The man in front of him paused "You mean you'll put down your rock and I put down my sword and we'll try to kill each other like civilized people?" Liam grinned "Could kill you now?" he held up the rock.

The stranger chuckled and began to put his sword down "Now I think the odds may be slightly in your favour at hand fighting." Liam smiled "S 'not my fault I'm a professional kidnapper/war starter I wouldn't be alive if I wasn't strong." The masked man smiled "Probably true that".

Liam lunged forwards and the man evaded his catch drop rolling through his legs "Woah you're fast!" he gasped turning around and slowly beginning towards the masked man again "Why do you wear a mask? Were you in an accident or something?"

The masked man shrugged "Oh no, it's just that they're terribly comfortable I think everyone will be wearing them in the future." he tapped the mask that covered the top half of his face before dodging a flying fist and throwing himself up onto Liam's back.

Liam grappled against the hold around his neck desperately trying to knock the smaller man off but was unsuccessful he even tried to bash him off a rock but began to give in to the lack of oxygen and fell onto his knees before blacking out just like Niall had minutes before.

 "Sorry lad, I didn't want to do that." the masked stranger said rolling Liam over- propping him up to make sure he would be able to breathe before turning and running out of the small glen and up the hill.

My Sweet Flower - Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now