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Later that day the king walked beside he general into the forests "you know, I believed I was quite smart when I hired Simon to get Zayn and his crew to murder Harry, but now that has not I realise how much more moving it is if I strangle him myself, maybe the morning after the wedding, and once the blame is on Zayn's crew, because the nation is quite taken by Harry, they will demand we go to war."

They continued as the general stopped by a certain tree "now brilliant sire, where is that hidden door," he pressed down on a warped branch and the door swung open, "are you coming in sire?" Louis has his strength back we are starting him on the machine tonight,"

"General, I have my countries 500th anniversary coming up, a wedding to plan, a husband to murder and Zayn's crew to frame for it, I love watching you work but I hardly have the time."

Louis woke up harshly bound to a board. It was moving, the motion waking him. His head throbbed where it had been hit but the bindings holding him down bit into his skin. An odd man in a robe was adding to the binding, connecting him to tubes and wires that ran to a machine that took up most of the room. He glanced over it as his head was strapped down, roughly hitting the splintering board beneath him. "Beautiful isn't it," Louis glanced to the man standing above him- the general, "took me half a lifetime to invent it,"

Louis strained against the binds, finding the scraps of his shirt hanging off him and the glass of the contraption pressing into his ribcage. "I'm sure you are about to find out about my deep interest in how to cause humans pain." Louis raised an eyebrow.

"At the present I'm writing a paper on the subject, so I want you to be totally honest with me on how this makes you feel. This being our first try, I'll use the lowest setting."

He reached over to a lever and moved it up until a singular click was heard. Louis flinched as he heard the water rush towards the mechanics that start the contraption. It took a moment but there was a loud clunk and Louis looked like he snapped, immediately lifting of the board as far as he could. He let out a shout of pain as the machine moved bringing him to convulsions as though he were being electrocuted. It went on for more than a minute before the general allowed the lever to click down.

Louis was left twitching. The general smiled "as you know the concept of suction has been around for many many years. Really that's all this is," he smiled sitting down at the well-lit desk.

"But instead of sucking water, I'm sucking up life, I just took one year of your life away. I may one day go as high as five, but I don't know what that would do to you so let's just start with what we have, remember this is for science so tell me, how do you feel?"

Louis remained still, slumped against the board a tear slowly slipping from the corner of his eye "Interesting".

Louis had just stayed still as they removed some of the equipment loaded straps but left him still entirely immobilised.

My Sweet Flower - Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now