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Cole's pov:

After the unsettling events earlier, sleep eluded me. Jackie entered the room before our conversation could progress further, prompting me to swiftly exit. She sensed something was amiss, and despite my belief that Emerie despised me, it seemed her own internal struggles were at play.


"You're giving me the silent treatment?" I questioned Emerie while she silently consumed her meal, lost in thought. I felt a sense of embarrassment as I probed for answers.

"Look, I'm sorry for what you saw. It won't happen again. Just forget it. Pretend it never happened, okay?" She abruptly left the kitchen, leaving me to grapple with the weight of my actions.

Heading to school, the atmosphere in the car mirrored the tension from the day before. My classes proceeded without interaction with Emerie until our shared final class. Attempting to repair what was broken, I sat beside her, hoping to mend the growing distance.

The day unfolded with strained interactions. Emerie kept her distance, primarily engaging with Jackie. I struggled to maintain the facade of the callous person I wished to be; however, true indifference proved elusive.


"Hey, Emerie! How are you?" Katherine greeted me, preparing vegetables for dinner.

"I'm fine, Katherine. How are you? Can I help?" I asked, finding solace in her presence.

"No, sweetie! I've got it. Handling a bunch of boys is tougher than making dinner," she chuckled.

"Can I ask you something?" I inquired, noting a flicker of concern in her expression.

"Did the boys do something?" she asked anxiously.

"Oh my god, no! I wanted to ask if you knew where Jackie is," I clarified.

"Oh yes, she's with Cole, checking out the horses. They've been there for a while," Katherine replied, and though her words should have reassured me, an inexplicable sense of discomfort settled in.

"Thanks! I'll go find them. Have a nice day," I said, forcing a smile before hurrying upstairs.

Why did it bother me so much that he was with her? I told myself it didn't matter. I didn't like him. I needed a walk.


"Hey, Danny, if anyone asks, I'm going for a walk and to the closest shop," I informed him, noting his surprise at my newfound desire to explore.

"Are you okay? It's the first time I see you wanting to explore this place," he remarked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I am. Just in need of some fresh air and snacks," I replied, offering a quick smile.

"Well, I'm going. Bye, Danny!" I waved, and he reciprocated with a friendly, "Bye, Emerie."


I walked farther than intended, attempting to distance myself from the recent events. Cole wasn't supposed to witness that, and the fact that he did was regrettable. Yet, I couldn't undo it. I'd pretend it never happened. After all, he didn't really know me. In fact, I didn't even know myself.

I walked into a cafe,hoping for some peace and time to think about everything better.I didn't know how to handle all the changes that were going on in my life


"Hi, Emerie, right?" I heard a distinctive voice, and looking up, I saw Marc, a strikingly attractive boy from my class.

"Uh, yeah. Hi?" I responded curiously, wondering why he sought me out.He was Cole's friend. The one that basically asked Cole to let him take me out.

"I saw you with the Walter boys and thought you were beautiful. How is living with them?I am Marc by the way."He chuckled.

I knew who he was.I was slightly taken aback by the compliment, smiled and replied, "Well, living with the Walter boys is quite the adventure. Danny and Cole can be polar opposites, but it's never dull."

Marc grinned, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Sounds like you've got some stories to tell. Anything particularly interesting?"

I chuckled, recalling a few escapades. "Let's just say there's never a shortage of surprises,lots of boys.But what about you, Marc? Any interesting tales from your side of the world?"

Marc leaned back, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, you know, the usual. A little chaos, a bit of excitement. But I have to say, meeting you might just be the highlight of my day."

I, blushing slightly, quipped, "Smooth talker, aren't you?"

"Only for the best."


"Only for the best," Marc replied with a playful grin, his eyes holding a warmth that intensified the blush on Emerie's cheeks.

As the conversation continued, the atmosphere between them seemed to shift. Marc leaned in a bit closer, his gaze lingering on Emerie's lips. The connection, charged with an unspoken tension, reached a point where words alone couldn't convey what was happening.

Without a word, Marc gently placed a hand on Emerie's cheek, drawing her closer. The cafe's ambient sounds faded into the background as their lips met in a sweet and unexpected kiss.

Emerie, caught up in the moment, felt a flutter of excitement. The warmth of the cafe and the soft taste of coffee lingered on their lips, creating a memory that would weave into the fabric of their unfolding story.

As they pulled back, a shared smile conveyed a silent understanding. The cafe, once a witness to their initial exchange, now bore witness to the beginning of something new—a connection that transcended the casual conversation and ignited into the spark of a potential romance.


Emerie's heart raced as she noticed five missed calls from an unknown number. A message appeared on her screen: "It's Cole, accept my calls."

"How do you have my number?" Emerie questioned in a text.

Moments later, her phone began to ring.

"Who's calling?" Marc inquired.

"Just someone. I'll step outside for a moment," Emerie replied, her mind uneasy.

"Why aren't you home yet? It's almost 7 pm," demanded Cole.

"I'm out with a friend, why?" Emerie asked naively.

"I'm at Café with Marc. Why, is something wrong?" Emerie innocently shared.

Cole's tone grew angrier, "You should have told me. I'm coming to pick you up right now."

Emerie, sensing his frustration, quickly replied, "It's just a quick coffee with Marc. I'll be done soon, no need to rush."

But Cole was already on his way, fueled by concern and irritation.

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now