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The next morning, before the sun had fully risen, Cole quietly slipped out of the house to pick up a cup of Emerie's favorite coffee and a decadent chocolate donut. He knew she had an early start with school, and he wanted to surprise her.

As he returned, he carefully entered the house, making his way to the kitchen to leave a heartfelt note. The aroma of fresh coffee and the sweet scent of the donut wafted through the air. Cole scribbled a message on the note, expressing his admiration for her strength and a subtle hint at his growing feelings.

With everything in hand, Cole tiptoed to Emerie's room and gently knocked on the door. "Hey, sweetheart,rise and shine. Got something special for you."

Emerie, still half-asleep, opened the door, and her eyes widened at the sight of Cole holding the coffee and donut. "What's all this?"

Cole grinned, "Just a little morning surprise. Your favorite coffee, a chocolate donut, and a note from yours truly."

Emerie took the offerings, a mix of surprise and delight on her face. "Coffee at 7 am? You're my hero."

Cole chuckled, "Consider it a perk of having me around. Enjoy your breakfast, and don't forget to read the note."

As she sipped her coffee and savored the donut, Emerie unfolded the note. It read, "To the one who brightens my mornings, may your day be as sweet as this donut. - Cole."

Their eyes met, and an unspoken connection lingered in the air. The morning had taken on a spicier, more intimate tone, setting the stage for a day filled with shared glances and the subtle heat of newfound emotions.

As Emerie enjoyed the coffee and donut, Cole couldn't help but notice the smile on her face. He decided to add a bit more to the surprise.

"You know," Cole said, a playful glint in his eyes, "I was thinking. Why settle for just breakfast surprises? How about I become your personal chauffeur? I can take you to school and pick you up whenever you're ready to head back."

Emerie raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and amusement. "You offering to be my chauffeur now?"

Cole nodded, "Yep, consider it a VIP service. Plus, it gives us more time together, right?"

Emerie chuckled, "You're full of surprises, Cole. But hey, if it means I get to spend more time with you, I'm not complaining."


Later that day at lunch, Jackie couldn't resist bringing up the topic of Cole.

"So, Emerie"Jackie teased, "I've been thinking. Cole's VIP chauffeur service and morning surprises – those are more than just friendly gestures. You've got to admit, he probably likes you."

Emerie blushed, "Jackie, come on. We're just friends. He's being nice."

Jackie raised an eyebrow, "Nice or not, there's something there, Em.You've seen the way he looks at you. It's more than just friendship. And, let's be real, a chocolate donut at 7 am? That's a love language right there."

Emerie sighed, "Jackie, you're reading too much into it."

Jackie grinned, "Maybe. Or maybe you're just oblivious to the fact that the guy who's been your rock might want to be something more."

As Jackie continued her teasing about Cole and Emerie's potential connection, Erin, Cole's supposed girlfriend, happened to overhear their conversation. Intrigued by the prospect of drama, Erin couldn't resist making her presence known.

Entering the room with a sarcastic smirk, Erin remarked, "Oh, are we playing matchmaker now? Trying to turn Cole's personal chauffeur service into a full-fledged love story?"

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now