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Chapter 12:

As the first light of dawn painted the sky, Cole, determined to bring a touch of warmth to Emerie's morning, quietly slipped out of the bed. With a sense of purpose, he decided to embark on a thoughtful mission.

Venturing into the early morning stillness, Cole drove to Emerie's favorite coffee shop. The aromatic allure of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as he ordered her preferred blend. Alongside it, he selected a selection of chocolate donuts, knowing her penchant for the sweet treats.

To add a touch of brightness to the morning, Cole decided to stop by a florist. He carefully chose a bouquet of vibrant flowers, a kaleidoscope of colors that mirrored the dawn's gentle hues.

Returning home, he arranged the coffee, donuts, and flowers with meticulous care. Placing them on a tray, he quietly entered Emerie's room, where the soft glow of the morning light began to filter through the curtains.

Cole set the tray on her bedside table and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. As he leaned in to leave a tender kiss on her forehead, Emerie stirred awake.

She blinked, still in the hazy realm between sleep and wakefulness, and found herself greeted by the sweet aroma of coffee and the sight of the thoughtful offerings.

"Cole, what's all this?" she murmured, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Just thought I'd bring a bit of sunshine to your morning," he replied, his eyes reflecting the warmth of his gesture.

As Emerie sipped her coffee, indulged in the chocolate donuts, and admired the vibrant bouquet, she couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the caring friend who had orchestrated this beautiful start to her day.

As Emerie enjoyed the delightful surprises Cole had prepared, a tender exchange of words flowed between them, adding a layer of sweetness to the morning.

"Cole, you didn't have to do all of this. It's... it's amazing," Emerie expressed, her eyes sparkling with appreciation.

Cole grinned, his gaze softening. "Well, every superhero needs a good start to the day, right? Consider it a mission accomplished."

Emerie chuckled, a warm sensation settling in her chest. "You're my coffee and donut superhero, then."

Cole leaned back, a mock-heroic expression on his face. "Saving the day, one cup of coffee at a time."

As they shared a laugh, the room filled with a comforting camaraderie. In the simplicity of the moment, they discovered that sometimes, it's the small, thoughtful gestures that weave the most endearing threads into the fabric of a relationship.

Emerie, looking at the flowers, remarked, "These are beautiful, Cole. Thank you."

"They're not as beautiful as the smile on your face," he replied, his words carrying a sincerity that made Emerie's heart flutter.

Embracing the role of Emerie's morning caretaker, Cole decided to make her journey to school as seamless and delightful as possible. After the shared laughter over coffee and donuts, he took a moment to gather breakfast delights and prepare a cozy setup for her.

Returning to her room with a tray carrying a nutritious breakfast, Cole presented it with a playful flourish. "Breakfast in bed, my dear. Fuel for a day of conquering whatever comes your way."

Emerie couldn't help but smile at his thoughtful gesture. "You really are going all out today, aren't you?"

"Just doing my superhero duties," he teased, setting the tray on her lap.

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now