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Chapter 19:
Emerie stirred as the aroma of fresh coffee and pancakes wafted through the air. Slowly opening her eyes, she found Cole standing by her bed with a bright smile, holding a tray adorned with her favorite latte, a stack of pancakes topped with bananas and strawberries, and a vibrant bouquet of wildflowers.

"Good morning, beautiful," Cole greeted, his eyes filled with warmth. "Happy Thanksgiving. I thought I'd start your day with a little extra sweetness."

Emerie couldn't help but grin, feeling the warmth of his gesture. "You're incredible, Cole. Thank you."

Wrapped in the cozy warmth of their embrace, Cole and Emerie enjoyed a quiet moment together, savoring the comfort of being nestled in each other's arms. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room.

Cole traced gentle patterns on Emerie's back as they lay intertwined, their conversation fading into contented silence. The world outside seemed to pause, allowing them to relish the simple joy of togetherness on this Thanksgiving morning.

Cole found a moment to steal away with Emerie to a quieter spot by the water.

Seated on a cozy blanket, the gentle ripples of the lake provided a soothing soundtrack to their conversation. The sun, casting its golden glow, painted the surroundings with a touch of magic. Cole, feeling the weight of the moment, decided it was the perfect time to express his feelings.

"Emerie," he began, his gaze filled with sincerity, "I've cherished every moment we've shared. You've brought so much joy into my life, and I can't imagine it without you. So, what do you say we make this official?"

With those words, Cole revealed a small, carefully wrapped gift. As Emerie unwrapped it, she discovered a delicate necklace with a pendant shaped like a heart, a small key dangling from its center.

"This is the key to my heart," Cole said, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Will you be my girlfriend, Emerie?"

Amidst the picturesque setting of the lake and the heartfelt gesture, Emerie's eyes sparkled with joy as she nodded, "Yes, Cole. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

The tender moment was sealed with a sweet kiss, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship, surrounded by the love and beauty of Thanksgiving.


Katherine, ever the diplomatic presence, interjected with a careful question, "Is that why you've joined us today, Richard?"

Uncle Richard met her gaze squarely. "Partly. But also because you invited me. I wanted to spend some time with the girls and see how they're doing."

Katherine, usually composed, couldn't help but push back, defending her role as their guardian. "Richard, we've been providing a stable and loving home for Jackie and Emerie. They're thriving in school, they have a supportive community here, and we've done our best to give them a good life."

Uncle Richard, undeterred, countered, "But they were born in the city. They have a life there, friends, memories. This small town can't compare to the opportunities and experiences they could have in New York."

Feeling the tension rise, Cole couldn't hold back his frustration. "Look, Richard, I get you're concerned, but you're not here day in and day out. We care about these girls more than you realize. This is their home now, and they're happy here."

Cole took a deep breath and decided to lay his cards on the table. "Richard, I want you to know that Emerie and I are in a relationship. We care about each other deeply, and I won't just stand by and accept any decisions that might disrupt our lives. We're a family here, and I won't let anyone jeopardize that." His words carried a firm resolve, emphasizing the strength of his commitment to Emerie and the Walter family.

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now