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Chapter 15:

The next morning, as the sun began to cast its warm glow, Cole woke up early with a mission in mind. He slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb Emerie, and headed downstairs.

In the kitchen, he prepared a cup of Emerie's favorite coffee, along with a box of chocolate donuts. The enticing aroma filled the air as he expertly cooked up a simple but hearty breakfast. Cole's mom, Katherine, entered the kitchen, catching sight of her son's culinary efforts.

Katherine raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile forming. "Early riser, Cole? What's the occasion?"

Cole grinned, "Just thought I'd surprise Emerie. She deserves a special morning."

His mom chuckled, offering a supportive nod. "She's a lucky girl."

With breakfast in hand, a red rose delicately placed on the tray, Cole ascended the stairs to Emerie's room. Gently knocking on the door, he entered, greeted by the soft morning light filtering through the curtains.

"Good morning," he whispered, a warm smile spreading across his face as he presented the tray. "Breakfast in bed, just for you."

Emerie, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, looked at the tray in astonishment. "Cole, you didn't have to..."

He interrupted, "I wanted to. Consider it a small token of appreciation."

As Emerie savored her morning coffee, Cole continued the light-hearted banter. "Starting work at the café, huh? What time do you finish?"

Emerie checked the clock, "I'll be done around 6:30 pm. Sara said it's a part-time gig after school."

Cole nodded, "Perfect! We can still do something afterward to celebrate your first day. Dinner, maybe?"

Emerie smiled, "That sounds wonderful."


As the teacher began the lesson, their subtle exchanges continued – a shared glance here, a whispered comment there. Cole couldn't help but admire Emerie's dedication to her studies, even in the midst of their playful banter.

During a break, Cole leaned in, "I still can't believe you're working at the café. It's going to be the highlight of my day, picking you up after your shift."

Emerie grinned, "Well, I hope to make your day even better when you do."

In the midst of the lecture, Emerie skillfully juggled her own notes and managed to sneak in a few extra scribbles for Cole. She passed a sheet of paper his way, her handwriting neatly summarizing the key points of the lesson.

Cole glanced at the notes, a grateful smile playing on his lips. "You're a lifesaver, Emerie. I owe you one."

She winked, "Consider it an investment. You can repay me with dinner tonight."

Emerie's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of Cole and Erin engaged in conversation at the lunch tables. A flicker of concern crossed her face as she observed their interaction from a distance.

She approached the scene cautiously, trying not to let the unease show. "Hey, what's going on here?" Emerie asked, injecting a casual tone into her words.

Cole looked up, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Oh, just catching up with Erin. Nothing serious."

Erin nodded, seemingly unfazed. "Yeah, just discussing a project for class."

Emerie hesitated, sensing there might be more beneath the surface. "Alright, let me know if you need anything," she said, her eyes briefly meeting Cole's, silently seeking reassurance.

Erin, with a sly grin, approached Emerie after her encounter with Cole. "Well, well, looks like you've got some competition," she teased, her tone laced with a hint of mischief.

Emerie raised an eyebrow, trying to keep her composure. "Competition? I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Erin leaned in, her voice dropping to a whisper, "You know, for Cole's attention. Seems like he's spending quite a bit of time with me."

Emerie took a deep breath, choosing not to let Erin's taunts get to her. "Cole and I have our own understanding. No need to worry about that."

Erin smirked, enjoying the discomfort she was causing. "We'll see about that," she said before sauntering away, leaving Emerie with a lingering sense of unease.


Emerie couldn't shake off the disquiet that Erin's words had stirred within her. As she sat in her next class, her thoughts raced, questioning the dynamics between Cole and Erin. A nagging uncertainty gnawed at her, and she found herself stealing glances at Cole whenever possible.

In her mind, doubts and insecurities crept in. Was there more to Cole's interactions with Erin than he let on? Was she just being paranoid? She tried to push these thoughts aside, reminding herself of the trust they'd built. Yet, the unease lingered, casting a shadow over her usual calm demeanor.

As Emerie navigated the school hallway, her eyes caught Marc leaning against the lockers, seemingly waiting for someone. Their gazes met, and he offered a friendly smile, prompting Emerie to approach him.

"Hey, Emerie. How's it going?" Marc inquired, his tone casual.

She tried to muster a smile, pushing aside the unsettling thoughts about Cole and Erin. "Not bad. Just dealing with the usual school stuff. How about you?"

Marc leaned in a bit, lowering his voice. "I saw you with Cole earlier. Everything okay?"

A hint of surprise crossed Emerie's face. "Yeah, just the usual drama. You know how high school can be."

He nodded knowingly. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Friends look out for each other, right?"

Emerie appreciated the genuine concern in Marc's offer. "Thanks, Marc. It means a lot. Maybe we can catch up sometime."

Cole observed the exchange between Emerie and Marc from a distance, an uneasy knot tightening in his stomach. As friendly as the conversation seemed, a surge of frustration and jealousy welled up within him. The possessive side of him couldn't help but react to the sight of Emerie connecting with someone else.

He clenched his jaw, trying to dispel the irrational feelings that threatened to consume him. "She's just talking to a friend," he muttered to himself, attempting to rationalize the situation. Yet, the unease lingered, fueled by the uncertainty that had infiltrated their relationship.

Driven by an irrational surge of jealousy, Cole approached Erin, standing near Emerie as if to make a statement. His actions were fueled by an impulsive desire to trigger a reaction, a misguided attempt to make Emerie feel a twinge of jealousy.

Erin, sensing the tension, exchanged a few words with Cole, unaware of the underlying motivations. As the conversation unfolded, the atmosphere grew strained, with Emerie observing the exchange with a mix of confusion and concern.

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now