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Chapter 28:

"Where were you" Cole raised an eyebrow at Emerie when she walked in the house.

"I was with a friend" she replied dry.

Cole's expression tightened, a subtle flicker of jealousy betraying his stoic demeanor. Emerie could sense the shift in the atmosphere as he inquired further.
"A friend, huh? Mind telling me who?"

Emerie felt the weight of his curiosity, aware that navigating this conversation required a delicate balance. She chose her words with care, mindful of the emotions swirling beneath the surface.
"Just Erin. We caught up, that's all."

The tension lingered in the air, a silent dance of unspoken sentiments. Cole's furrowed brow hinted at his inner turmoil, a mix of possessiveness and a desire for reassurance.
"Erin, huh? How's she been?"

Emerie could discern the guarded tone in his voice, a subtle indication of the complexities intertwined in their shared history.
"I saw she texted you, and I bet you two had a nice little chat."

Cole's eyes widened in mild surprise, sensing the simmering resentment in Emerie's tone.
"Emerie, it's not like that. We just caught up."

Emerie, her jealousy unfurling, shot back."Caught up? You act like nothing happened between you two. Do I have to be worried?"

Emerie, fueled by a mix of curiosity and a desire for transparency, couldn't help but ask the question that lingered on her mind.
"What did you and Erin talk about?"

Cole hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully as he navigated the delicate terrain of his past and present connections.
"We mostly caught up on life, nothing significant. She wanted to make sure I'm doing okay. We're just friends, Emerie."

Emerie, though still skeptical, tried to accept his explanation, realizing that building trust required a leap of faith.

Cole's gaze softened, understanding the gravity of Emerie's emotions. He took a step closer, attempting to bridge the emotional gap between them.
"Emerie, you don't have to be worried. Erin and I are just friends now. Things have changed."

Emerie, still grappling with her feelings, couldn't easily shake off the insecurities that lingered.
"Just friends? It's hard to believe, Cole. After everything, how can I be sure?"

Cole, sensing the fragility of the moment, reached out, gently placing his hand on Emerie's arm.
"I know I messed up, and I understand your doubts. But I'm committed to us, Emerie. You're the one I want to be with."

As their eyes locked, a silent understanding passed between them—a recognition of the scars from their shared past and a tentative hope for a future built on trust and genuine commitment. The room, heavy with unspoken emotions, became a canvas for the intricate dance of two hearts navigating the complexities of love.

Emerie's frustration and insecurity boiled to the surface, fueling a heated argument between her and Cole.
"I don't want you talking to her anymore, Cole. It's too much!"

Cole, feeling the weight of her demands, responded defensively.
"You can't just dictate who I talk to, Emerie! We're not together, remember?"

Emerie, consumed by anger and hurt, couldn't contain the intensity of her emotions.
"Well, maybe I should reconsider if we're even doing the right thing here! You can't expect me to be okay with you chatting with your ex while we're trying to rebuild trust!"

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now