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Chapter 22:

The drive to Sara's place was silent, the weight of the recent events lingering in the air. As they arrived, Emerie couldn't shake the heaviness in her heart. Sara, sensing her friend's distress, offered a comforting presence, not pressing for details until Emerie was ready to share.

Inside Sara's cozy apartment, the atmosphere felt different, a sanctuary away from the turmoil. The soft glow of fairy lights created a calming ambiance. Sara handed Emerie a warm blanket and encouraged her to get some rest.

Emerie, still grappling with the emotional whirlwind, curled up on Sara's couch, seeking refuge in the quietude of the night. Sleep eluded her, thoughts racing through her mind like a tumultuous storm. Sara, a steadfast friend, remained by her side, a silent pillar of support in the midst of the stormy aftermath.

In the hushed moments of the night, Sara gently approached Emerie, her presence a balm to the wounded spirit. Without uttering a word, she handed Emerie a mug of chamomile tea, hoping its soothing warmth would bring some comfort.

"Sometimes, it's okay not to have all the answers, Emerie. You've been through a lot tonight."

Emerie, cradling the warm mug in her hands, let out a heavy sigh. The weight of the situation seemed to momentarily lift as Sara's empathy provided solace.

"Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm here. And if you just want company or silence, that's okay too."

As the night wore on, the apartment cocooned them in a sense of safety. Sara stayed close, a silent guardian to a friend navigating through the complexities of heartbreak and betrayal.

The two sat in shared silence, the only sound the soft crackling of the night outside. Emerie clutched the warm mug, finding solace in its embrace. Sara, a silent companion, respected the sanctity of the unspoken.

Cole's persistent calls echoed through the quiet night, each ring a testament to the unrest that had befallen their once-shared world. Sara, holding Emerie's phone, stared at the screen, contemplating the weight of her next words.

She finally answered, her voice measured but firm, "Cole, she's not ready to talk. Give her some space."

The tension in Cole's voice resonated through the phone as he questioned, "Sara, please. I need to explain."

Sara sighed, the weight of the situation palpable even through the device. "Cole, not tonight. She's hurting. Let her process."

Despite Sara's plea, the calls continued, an unrelenting reminder of a fractured connection seeking repair.

Sara, feeling a sense of responsibility, decided to send a text to Cole, hoping to bridge the gap of understanding.

Sara: Cole, give her some time. She's hurting right now. It's not easy for her, and bombarding her with calls won't help. Let her process, and maybe when she's ready, you two can talk."

The message hung in the digital space.


The next morning, Emerie sat across from Sara, recounting the tumultuous events of the previous night.

"Sara, it's just... it hurts. I know Cole and I weren't officially together, but we were getting there. And hearing about those things, it felt like a betrayal."


The decision to part with the past weighed heavy on Emerie's shoulders, mirroring the length of her hair that cascaded down. With each decisive snip, she felt a tangible release, a shedding of the strands that held echoes of a love now tainted by betrayal.

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now