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At school the next day, the hallway buzzed with conversations as students shuffled between classes. Cole and Emerie navigated the crowd, exchanging smiles and occasional greetings with friends.

In one corner, Alex caught up with Cole, "So, fixing cars and saving the day, huh? Emerie the mechanic."

Cole chuckled, "Just a spur-of-the-moment thing. You know how it goes."

Emerie, walking alongside Jackie, joined the conversation, "Yeah, we're just the unsung heroes of the auto world."

As the day progressed, Erin and Cole were spotted holding hands, a subtle display of their relationship. At lunch, they sat together, engaged in a world of their own, while Emerie shared laughs with Jackie and her friends.

After the final bell, Cole and Emerie decided to head to Cole's favorite place, the lake. The air was crisp as they strolled along the water's edge, talking and enjoying the tranquility.

Emerie, gazing at the calm water, remarked, "This place is beautiful. No wonder it's your favorite."

Cole smiled, "It's peaceful. Helps clear my head. I'm glad you're here."

As they enjoyed the tranquility by the lake, Cole looked at Emerie with a genuine smile, "I'm really glad you're okay after everything. It got pretty messy that night."

Emerie appreciated his concern, "Thanks, Cole. I'm fine, really."

However, as the conversation continued, Cole couldn't help but express a lingering worry, "Did you use any drugs after that incident? I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself."

Emerie, taken aback but understanding his concern, reassured him, "No, Cole, I didn't. I appreciate your concern, but I'm trying to get sober.I just needed some time to sort things out, that's all."

Curiosity lingering in his eyes, Cole gently asked, "How did you get into that situation?"

Emerie took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on the water. "It all started when I was dating Josh. He introduced me to it, said it helped him escape reality. At first, I thought it was harmless, a way to cope with stress and problems."

Cole, with a furrowed brow, listened intently as she continued, "But it escalated, and I found myself using more frequently. It became a way to numb everything, to forget about the issues in our relationship. I guess I got caught up in it, thinking it was the only way to deal with everything."

Cole, trying to understand, asked, "Was Josh your ex-boyfriend? Your first boyfriend?"

Emerie, reflecting on Cole's question, explained, "Josh wasn't my first boyfriend, but he was my longest relationship. I thought I could fix things with him, you know? It's strange how sometimes the longest relationships aren't the healthiest ones."

Curiosity tinging his voice, Cole asked, "How did things end between you and Josh? If you want to tell me,obviously."

Emerie, looking into the distance, shared a heavy revelation with Cole, "It ended before my parents' accident. I found out that Josh had been cheating on me multiple times, and to make matters worse, he shared some pictures of me without my consent."
Cole's expression shifted to one of anger and concern as she continued "I regret sending those pictures, Cole. Josh manipulated me into doing it, making me believe it was a way to prove my love. It's something I wish I could undo."

Feeling the weight of Emerie's emotions, Cole gently took her hand, rubbing his thumb over hers in a comforting gesture. "Emerie, it's okay. You don't have to carry this burden alone. What happened wasn't your fault, and you're stronger now. We all have moments we wish we could change, but they shape us into who we are today."

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now