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Chapter 24.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you."

Those words were playing through my head like crazy. I can't even bring myself to believe him. I know we had sex but it was mostly because i was feeling like it but now i feel...empty?
Is there anything to do now? After we did this...

It felt like i was with Josh all over again. Those words coming from his mouth only after we fucked...until i got pregnant. That was the first time Josh told me that without us doing anything.

Every shoeless child on a swing reminded me of my own.No one would want to be like me.

There was this one moment i realised i might love Cole. "Every time you will be crying,i will dry your eyes."
He always held me like i was a baby,he protected me from everything and took care of me. I wanted to show him me,perfectly clear.
For him to know me,the lack i have in father,tell the truth to him. It would take more than some years.

He gets me. "Forget about them,about everything. Be you for you,at least once."
"You can trust me."


As I walked into Sara's house, I noticed Josh coming toward me. I couldn't help but wonder why he was even here.

"We were worried sick about you, baby! What happened last night?" Josh looked at me with genuine concern, making me feel unexpectedly important to him.

"I-I am fine, Josh," I replied, my tone colder than intended. I walked over to Sara, hugging her tightly and planting a kiss on her belly. "Hello, little baby," I whispered.

"Emerie, seriously now. What happened last night?" Sara questioned me, sensing that something was amiss.

"Cole came and picked me up and took me home. I slept there, Sara. I am fine, but what is he doing here?" I raised my eyebrows at Sara, trying to understand the situation.

"Uhm, let's go in the other room for a sec," she whispered, leading me away.

"Look, Emerie," she started to talk as she closed the door behind us, "he was the first one to actually notice you were gone. He was so worried about you that he started calling your sister. She didn't know you were home. So, tell me, where were you?"

I sighed. "I slept in Cole's room, Sara. That's what happened. We had sex because I insisted, basically, and then I slept a bit. I woke up and came here, that's all." I looked at her, and disappointment was evident in her expression.

"Wow... After everything he put you through," was all she said.

"He was there, Sara. He helped me. What was I supposed to do?" I questioned the girl standing in front of me.

"Maybe ignore him. Did you think about that? Maybe even block him. He cheated, for God's sake. He is not the one," she spoke loudly, and her words lingered in the air, creating a tense atmosphere.

Sara's words hung in the air, creating a tense atmosphere in the room. I could feel her disappointment, and for a moment, I questioned my own choices.

"He's not the one, Emerie. After everything he did, you deserve better," Sara insisted, her tone a mix of concern and frustration.

I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation on my shoulders. "Sara, I appreciate your concern, but things are complicated. It's not that simple," I tried to explain.

"It should be. You deserve someone who treats you right, not someone who hurt you," Sara retorted.

Before I could respond, Josh stepped into the conversation. "Look, Emerie, Sara's right. Cole messed up big time, and you shouldn't let him back in so easily."

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now