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Chapter 18:
Cole's pov:

As our lips met the world seem to fade away,the warmth of Emerie's touch, the subtle taste of anticipation, it all made me question why i didn't do this earlier.

My mind started to go back to all the moments we had together. All the laughter and the morning coffees. With every second of this kiss i started to appreciate more the woman i had in my arms. She was so magnetic and beautiful and smart and kind and funyy...she made feel like home. I like her more than i would've ever thought.


The morning unfolded in a symphony of ordinary yet extraordinary moments. As Emerie's eyes fluttered open, the soft glow of dawn painted her room with a warm embrace. The enticing aroma of fresh coffee and sweet donuts wafted through the air, teasing her senses.

A gentle knock on the door preceded Cole's entrance, a tray cradled in his hands like a precious offering. His eyes, a reflection of the morning sun, met Emerie's with a tender warmth that spoke volumes. On the tray, a steaming cup of coffee stood beside a plate adorned with chocolate-dusted donuts.

"Good morning," Cole greeted, his voice a soft melody in the tranquility of the room.

Emerie's heart swelled with gratitude as Cole set the tray down on her bedside table. The aroma of the coffee enveloped her, and the sight of the donuts, a delightful indulgence, made her lips curve into a smile.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice a melody echoing his.

As she sipped the rich coffee, Cole settled into the chair nearby, the room bathed in the morning glow.

Cole leaned forward, his eyes holding a spark of playful affection. "You know," he began, a grin dancing on his lips, "I was thinking we could make this a morning tradition. Coffee, donuts, and our own little world before the day begins."

Emerie's smile widened, mirroring the warmth in her eyes. "I'd love that. Mornings with you are my favorite part of the day."

Cole's thumb traced absentminded patterns on the side of his coffee cup. "Speaking of favorites," he teased, "do you have a favorite donut? Or should I just keep it with these chocolate ones?"

Emerie chuckled, her gaze meeting his. "Anything with chocolate is always a win."

His laughter echoed hers, a harmonious duet that painted the room with joy. "Noted. Chocolate it is, then."

Cole, his eyes gleaming with affection, couldn't help but express the warmth he felt. "You know, Emerie, I've never been a morning person, but sharing these moments with you makes every sunrise special."

Emerie's gaze softened, and she playfully nudged him. "Guess I have that effect on you, huh?"

He chuckled, the sound a comforting melody. "More than you know. You make the ordinary extraordinary."

Cole gently held Emerie's hand, raising it to his lips. His kiss was a tender acknowledgment, a silent promise of unwavering affection. In that delicate gesture, they exchanged unspoken vows, finding solace in the simple yet profound connection they shared. As his lips met her skin, Cole silently conveyed a sentiment that echoed louder than words – a commitment to cherish, protect, and savor each moment of their intertwined journey.

Cole rose from their shared moment, leaving a soft kiss on Emerie's forehead, a silent assurance of his devotion. With a tender smile, he proceeded to prepare her clothes for the day.

Cole, while preparing her clothes: "You know, you're the first thing on my mind when I wake up."

Emerie, smiling: "Is that so? Well, you're not too bad yourself."

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now