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As they settled in his room, Emerie and Cole found comfort in each other's arms. The gentle rhythm of their breathing and the warmth they shared created a haven of solace, a moment of respite from the challenges ahead. Time seemed to slow as they embraced the simplicity of being together, finding strength in the love that bound them.

Emerie chuckled softly, breaking the serene silence. "You know, I kinda missed having my blue hair. It feels like a part of me I rediscovered."

Cole ran his fingers through her newly blue locks, smiling. "I love it. You always manage to surprise me in the best ways."

She nestled closer to him, content. "Maybe rediscovering ourselves is exactly what we need right now."

Cole gazed at Emerie with warmth in his eyes. "You've always been unapologetically yourself, and that's one of the things I love most about you. Don't ever change that. It's what makes you, you."

They shared a tender moment, wrapped in each other's arms. The room felt cocooned in a sense of security and understanding. Emerie sighed, "I just missed feeling like me, you know? It's been a rollercoaster lately."

Cole kissed her forehead gently. "I get it. We'll figure things out together, okay? No matter what, I'm here for you."

In that quiet embrace, Emerie found solace. She traced her fingers over the contours of Cole's hand, feeling the warmth and reassurance. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and gratitude.

Cole gently lifted her chin, locking eyes with her. "We've got each other, no matter what. And I love every version of you, no matter the hair color."

Sara's voice echoed through the phone, filled with concern. "Hey, Emerie, how are you holding up? I heard about the gap year decision. Is everything okay?"

Emerie took a deep breath before responding, "Yeah, Sara, everything's fine. Cole and I just needed some time to figure things out. We're still together, and we're taking things one step at a time."

Sara chuckled lightly, "Well, this little girl is eager to make her debut. Can't wait to meet her auntie Emerie, you know?"

Emerie smiled, imagining the joy the baby would bring. "I can't wait either. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

Sara expressed her gratitude, and the conversation continued, weaving through topics of future plans and the impending arrival of the newest member of the family.

Cole looked at Emerie with admiration, "You're really amazing with Sara. It's like you were born to be an aunt. She appreciates it a lot, you know?"

Emerie blushed slightly, "Well, she's my friend, and soon, she'll be a mom. I just want to support her in any way I can."

Cole smiled, recognizing the warmth and kindness in Emerie's actions, "You're thoughtful, and it's one of the things I love about you."

Cole looked at Emerie with a glint of excitement in his eyes, "Emerie, what do you say we take a little getaway, just the two of us? A few days somewhere special."

Emerie's face lit up with curiosity, "Really? Where do you have in mind?"

Cole grinned, "How about a charming bed and breakfast by the beach? We could use some time to relax and enjoy each other's company."

Emerie couldn't help but smile, "That sounds amazing. Let's do it."

They began planning their escape, eager for some quality time away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora