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Emerie, feeling the need to involve Cole in the discussion about Sara's future child's room, decided to give him a call. As the phone rang, she could sense the anticipation building within her. After a few moments, Cole's voice greeted her on the other end.

"Hey, Emerie, what's up?" Cole's voice carried a warmth that eased her nerves.

"Hey, Cole. I was thinking, maybe you could come over to Sara's place. We need to discuss what to do with the baby's room, and I really want your input," Emerie explained, her words carrying a mix of determination and excitement.

"Of course, I'll be there. Just give me a few minutes to wrap things up here, and I'll head over," Cole responded, his willingness to be involved evident in his tone.

As they hung up, Emerie felt a sense of relief. Having Cole by her side for this discussion was not only practical but also comforting. Together, they could navigate the challenges and decisions that lay ahead, strengthening their bond in the process.

Shortly after, Cole arrived at Sara's place, ready to contribute his thoughts on the baby's room. The three friends gathered in the cozy living room, surrounded by the anticipation of impending parenthood and the shared determination to create a nurturing space for the newest addition to their lives.

Emerie initiated the conversation, "So, Sara, we've been talking about the baby's room, and we wanted to get your input on what you envision. After all, it's your little one who will be spending the most time there."

Sara, grateful for their support, shared her thoughts about colors, themes, and practical considerations for the room. Cole listened attentively, offering insights and suggestions. In this collaborative effort, they began to outline a plan for transforming the space into a warm and welcoming haven for the upcoming arrival.

As they discussed paint colors, furniture arrangements, and personal touches, Emerie couldn't help but marvel at the shared responsibility they were undertaking. It wasn't just about decorating a room; it was about creating a home filled with love, support, and the promise of a bright future.

With each idea and decision, Emerie felt a deepening connection not only to Cole but also to Sara, realizing that their journey was intertwining in ways they might not have anticipated. The prospect of building a family, unconventional as it may be, brought a sense of purpose and unity that transcended the challenges they faced.

As the evening unfolded, laughter and camaraderie filled the air, blending seamlessly with the discussion about the baby's room. In this shared space of planning and friendship, Emerie couldn't help but be grateful for the bonds that were forming, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and a future filled with the promise of new beginnings.

Excitement filled the air as Emerie and Cole ventured out to buy supplies for the baby's room. Their destination: a local home improvement store stocked with everything they needed to transform a blank canvas into a cozy haven. The prospect of selecting paint colors and decor items brought a shared sense of anticipation and joy.

As they strolled through the aisles, Emerie's eyes lit up at the array of pink paint options. She envisioned the room bathed in soft hues, creating a tranquil and comforting atmosphere for Sara's baby. Cole, ever supportive, chimed in with suggestions and opinions, his commitment to the project evident in his genuine enthusiasm.

After careful consideration and a few playful debates about shades of pink, they settled on a perfect combination that struck the ideal balance between warmth and serenity. With paint cans in hand, they continued their journey through the store, now on the lookout for furniture and decor to complement their chosen color scheme.

Everything i wasn't- Cole WalterWhere stories live. Discover now