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Saori came back home after threatening Min-Ju-A and her parents. Her home was empty, she was just all alone sipping her tangerine juice, she wants to cry her heart out but she is not letting that guilt and regrets of her life going all out in form of tears. That evening she went to the hospital to meet Jung-Wu who is still in coma and he has less chances of him getting up from the sleep. Saori sat next to Jung-Wu holding his hand and explained herself, apologizing to him for not being around them when they were in need. After sometime Jung-Wu's father arrived in the room, he saw Saori standing next to him, feeling sorry about the things that  happened in last few weeks. The void and agony in her eyes was conveying everything to Jung-Wu's father Jung- Wooseok and he said.

Jung Wooseok:- "Saori..."

Saori:- "Oh, uncle it's you. How have you been?".

She shuttered, Mr. Jung nodded his head indicating he is been alright and fine and then he said.

Jung Wooseok:- "Saori...You don't have to blame yourself, it was not your fault at all. Do not regret anything, you were the friend who supported them, protected them and you did everything what was in your power. But everything do not go as planned forever in this cursed world. Jung-Wu's fate was this, lying on the bed unconscious so it happened. I never taught him to fight back, even though he did I never supported him, instead I only backed off without helping him. It's my fault that I never listened to him when he needed me and I never understood him. So I beg you not to blame yourself, you have nothing to do with this incident. You need to move on in your life without any regrets and one more thing stop being immature, finding something aimlessly that you alone might not able to, don't risk anything, don't risk your life Saori".

Saori:- "I'm...i'm sorry uncle, but for me there is no going back now. I already decided what I want to do. You may think I'm immature but deep down you also know yourself, that you want justice for your son. As I promised earlier I will bring that justice even if it means losing my life or breaking the laws in that process".

Jung wooseok:- "Then protect yourself first before getting into any battle. Do not try to do everything alone find someone who will do anything for you and who will support your desire for justice".

Saori:- "What do you mean? Is there anything you want to tell me?".

Jung wooseok:- "I told you enough Saori and I know you'll find out everything soon but before that find your shield. I said what I said, take care of yourself. See you around".

After seeing Jung-Wu is alright and giving her some piece of advice Wooseok left. Meanwhile Saori was constantly thinking about Mi-Rah because her body was still not found and Saori was having vivid thoughts about her disappearance. Thinking about various situations like, she is killed, she's physically assaulted and then killed or even worse than that. Saori was visiting every corner possible in the hope that she would find a clue but she couldn't. She felt that the time and fate is testing her patience like nothing, her heart is saying something and her mind is stuck on one thing that is to avenge the people who killed Min-Joo. The scattered thoughts giving her a hard time accepting the reality.

For a swift moment she felt that someone is keeping an eye on her, she suddenly turned back, but she didn't find anyone. She didn't find anyone in the room or outside the room. She searched the entire room and the minute things possible that can harm Jung-Wu. When her defensive instincts kicks in she automatically become more aware. She called in the doctors who were taking care of Jung-Wu, she especially told them to give her the updates of every minute move he takes and to take best care of him and not to worry about the payment. And she requested to call on the best doctors possible to bring back Jung-Wu from the sleep. She also requested to tighten up the security around Jung-Wu because he is the only one who could give the answer and reveal the truth. She understood that her uneasiness about leaving Jung-Wu alone is reasonable because he is the main answer to the unsolved riddle. So everything was going as planned as for now.

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