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The wedding was over, everything was settled down. She moved her things to Ryu-Shi-Oh's room. It was huge room, his room was like a entire family could fit in, it has huge closet, huge bathroom. She was surprised to see the ample of space as she moved her things to the closet. She was still in her wedding gown, she removed her jewelries, her Weil, while removing the chain of the dress it got stuck and she was having hard time removing it. She sneaked outside to look around if anyone could help her removing it. She thought of calling Ryu-Shi-Oh's mother but she couldn't reach out to her and her phone was dead and couldn't find the charger to charge it. After trying for almost fifteen minutes She got tired and she slept on her stomach on the bed with that half open chain.

Saori:- "How am I supposed to remove the dress? It's stuck".

Thinking about that she fell asleep keeping her half back exposed. Sometime later Shi-Oh arrives in his room and he sees Saori sleeping on her stomach, he smiled and leaned next to her removing her hair from her face admiring her. She felt something lingering in her face she jerked off and got up hurriedly holding her dress, after coming back to senses she realised it's Ryu-Shi-Oh she sighed a relief and stood up.

Saori:- "Oh! It's you. should have woke me up".

She stuttered as always, when Shi-Oh went too close to her.

Ryu-Shi-Oh:- "I couldn't because from the distant you were alluring me  even though you were asleep. So I just leaned next to you".

Saori:- "Uh....umm.. oh..okay".

Ryu-Shi-Oh:- "Why didn't you remove your gown, want some help?".

Saori:- "'s just that the ch..chain of the dress got stuck so I couldn't remove it".

Ryu-Shi-Oh:- "Lemme help you angel".

She gulped in anxiety, the way he said "angel" it just gave her some kind of sensual feeling that she never felt for anyone before. Her heartbeat skipped a beat her stomach twitched in when he moved towards her. Shi-Oh was noticing every single expression of hers and he was getting more drawn towards her. With the heavy breathing, she stuttered and said.

Saori:- "S...s...stop saying that to me with that voice".

Ryu-Shi-Oh:- "Umm! Okay atleast something allures you towards me".

Saori:- "It's n..not that what I meant".

Ryu-Shi-Oh:- "Shhhhh"....

He kept his index finger on her plumpy lips. She gulped, her eyes were wide open as he moved too close to her invading her space and she allowed it. The room filled with intense hyped emotions trying to escape, she felt the strong urge to hold Shi-Oh and kiss him. And why she was feeling that way, she had no answer to it, for a moment she wanted to give herself all in to him. Suddenly Shi-Oh pulled her and hugged her pulling down her chain of her gown slowly, she grabbed his shirt clutching it tightly his two buttons of the shirt were unbuttoned and she was trying to escape from the situation she was in. He could feel it what she is upto and what is she feeling right now and she was denying it and avoiding him and her own feelings. She moved back, grabbed her dress and went inside the bathroom changed her dress to white knee length shirt. She came out of the bathroom and what she saw is Ryu-Shi-Oh lying on the bed shirtless. His six packs abs tonned body was giving her kind of butterflies in her stomach. She bit her lips and she realised Shi-Oh's having bullet marks on his chest but she didn't ask him  anything about it. She went on the couch took another blanket and slept on the couch. He asked.

Ryu-Shi-Oh:- "I hope you know we are married and this huge bed is also yours. Come on here".

Saori:- "I'm fine here. Good night".

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