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Shi-Oh started looking for Saori all over his mansion but she wasn't there anymore. Do-Hee didn't panicked at all because she knew where Saori has gone. Shi-Oh panicked and was calling everyone to find Saori. He was was more worried about her health and after the last night she created a scene on an unknown person, he was scared that she doesn't do anything wrong that can harm her. When he saw his mother inattentive and unbothered he questioned her.

Shi-Oh:- "Mom, you seems unbothered. I think you know where Saori is".

Do-Hee sipping her green herbal tea ignoring him and his question. He became more furious and asked her again and this time she replied.

Do-Hee:- "I don't talk to a men who can't confess his love towards his wife. I thought you two confessed and then got married but nah, it's all messed up. Jesus!!".

Shi-Oh:- "What is this all about mom?".

Do-Hee:- "I overheard your conversation when I came to give her the cross. Don't you get it she also loves you but wanted you to confess first or may be she decided to confess first but you're really pathetic. She must have felt that you wanted her because you felt sympathetic towards her and no woman wants that".

Shi-Oh:- "Is that possible she misunderstood me?".

Do-Hee:- "One thousand percentage pumpkin".

Shi-Oh:- "Now I'm two thousand percent sure that after the accident her brain stopped working".

Do-Hee:- "Hey... Don't you dare calling my daughter a crackhead".

Shi-Oh:- "Whatever".

Shi-Oh was annoyed by Saori's behaviour and he asked Do-Hee to tell her where is she. Atlast Do-Hee told him that she's at her mansion and planning to go to Japan.

Shi-Oh:- "Japan?? Is she crazy? She's not even recovered properly yet to travel long distance".

He ran outside, took his car and rode towards Saori's mansion. He started smashing the doorbell like he's going to literally break it. Her caretaker of the mansion opened the door for him, he asked the lady very politely where is Saori she led him towards the room and then left. Saori was in her room, looking at her family photo album and Shi-Oh and her wedding pictures. So many memories flashed infront of her eyes. Her mother teaching her how to walk on ramps to buying her heels, from getting her dresses to designing the dresses. From having fun time to helping strangers in need. To teaching her fighting skills to helping her in combat fights for survival. Meeting Shi-Oh to marrying him, and that first kiss photo sent butterflies in her stomach. Everything was photographed as a memory that can be cherished. Saori heard someone banging her door, she was startled for a second. She stood up struggling to stand properly and opened the door, she saw Shi-Oh infront of her staring her soul like a grim reaper wants a soul to collect. She gulped and asked.

Saori:- "Woah!! Huh... hmm... What are you doing here?".

He just stood for a second staring at her without answering her question. And he smashed his lips onto her lips. She tried pushed him, until she felt pain in at her back, a tear escaped from her eyes and was struggling in pain as the stitches were still intact and had to be removed after two week. Shi-Oh came to senses apologize and scolded her.

Shi-Oh:- "What the hell are you doing here? And why are you going to Japan? Wanna leave me for some unknown woman I never met?".

Saori:- "That's none of your concern. Mr. Ry-Shi-Oh. If I'm going to Japan or India".

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