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Chris puts Noah and Jasmine in the car and we start to drive home "Oh my god!" Chris randomly says "what?!" I reply "I forgot to buy the food I was going to get 3 days ago" He says with a little laugh "really Chris" I say looking back at the sleeping kids "yes, I was thinking about what ice cream I should get"  I laugh again and look back out the front "and what were you going to get?" "well I was think cookies and cream or just chocolate" I laugh and pull out my phone "are you gonna tell your followers about Noah and Jasmine?" I ask looking on instagram "maybe in next weeks video" .

We got home and I grabbed Jasmine and Chris grabbed Noah and we slowly made our way inside. "home sweet home" I give Jasmine to Chris and go to the kitchen to see the water mess all gone "don't worry, Nick cleaned up for you" He says walking up the stairs about to go up more stairs to the bedrooms "why I told him I was gonna do it" I reply taking a sit on the couch "are you kidding, you just had 2 kids and surgery" he says and continues going up the stairs.

"so what's for dinner" I ask looking in the fridge "uhm no I'm cooking tonight" Chris says moving me out of the way "why?" I ask confused, he never cooks and if he does its kind of bad "because you just had kids and I want to cook" he replied pulling out some leftover pizza "oh so this is cooking?" I say and push him out of the way, when we start to  hear 1 baby cry and then the other baby cry "I got it" Chris sighs and makes his way upstairs, what a good dad.

I couldn't really find anything for dinner so I just reheat Chris' pizza and 2 bottles of milk, soon enough he comes back down stairs "oh so that's for dinner" he says with an evil grin "I'm to tired to cook and we have nothing" I say getting the pizza out of the microwave and hand it so him "thanks baby" He say and grabs a pepsi out of the fridge "oh so were stocked on pepsi but not food" I say and steal a sip from his pepsi "well do you want me to die?" he say shocked "there always is water" I say getting a glass of water "water is sin" He says and chugs his pepsi.

After I clean up and we both showered we start to head to bed.

we both got at least 20 minutes of sleep before the baby's started to scream there heads off "hm don't worry I'm on it" he says with a tired tone, he gets up and rubs his eyes and leaves to go put the baby's back to sleep. after a few minutes he came back and laid down "everything okay?" I ask rolling over to face him "yeah it was just Noah, Jasmine must be a heavy sleeper" he reply's we giggle and drift off back to sleep.


guys im gonna do a big time skip to like 2 months later bc the story is about motherhood so im gonna keep doing time skips.


words: 555

Motherhood C.STempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang