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(Bit of spice in this chapter everyone!!) 


Sex On Fire by Kings of Leon<3


The day had come. Oliver's party was the first thing that sprung to Delilah's mind as the morning sun woke her up from a well-needed slumber. It was ironic really, that the thing worrying her most in this morning haze was a party for a boy she simply didn't like. But naturally, as consciousness increased, the very pressing matter of the small life living inside her pressed its weight down onto her chest. Although Felix had taken all the news rather well it didn't change the fact that Delilah was the one who would potentially have to carry this thing, bloody birth the thing. But nestled into Felix's arms as he lay still sleeping, the normal wave of panic, heart racing, breathlessness, wasn't as violent. It just sort of hummed below the surface, enough to be noticeable but hopefully ignored for a little while longer.

Laying her head on his chest, Delilah looked up towards the sleeping Felix, the faint stubble on his jawline creating a small shadow on his face that only seemed to make his skin seem even more perfect. His hair was messy, spiking up and off into all sorts of directions. Delilah laughed softly to herself at the sight of it, waking Felix up. He exhaled deeply, moving his head to the side in an effort to stretch, his arms leaving Delilah's body and coming up behind his head as he stretched off the leftover sleep in his body. As soon as he was awake enough, his hands came straight back to Delilah, pulling her gently up towards him and placing a soft kiss onto her lips before letting her rest on him again. Felix gently ran his fingers up and down Deliahs back unto her t-shirt as they both lay in a mildly sleepy trance still.

Before either of them could enjoy this moment any longer, the painful wash of nausea came over Delilah again, consuming her whole body in a fit of cold sweats and shakes. 'Oh god' She moaned in despair, quickly manoeuvring out of Felix's arms and scrambling off the bed.

'What's wrong?' Felix panicked, sitting up abruptly assessing the situation before he too scrambled out of the covers, hurrying to follow Delilah into the bathroom. 'Oh sweetheart' He said, rushing to Delilah's side grabbing some of her hair that dangled in front of her face and she sat curled by the toilet.

Before long Delilah was throwing up again. It was worse this morning, she couldn't even get two words out before the next wave of nausea possessed her body again. Felix felt sort of helpless as he watched the girl he now loved, but was far too frightened to tell her. In the same breath he couldn't help but feel sick himself- but with guilt. As he watched Delilah he knew it was his fault really, that she felt like this. He tried to soothe himself with the thoughts that they were both irresponsible that night- or nights- but really he just felt annoyed at himself. He knew he would support Delilah either way but, despite all these feelings of guilt and regret, he was able to imagine a life just the three of them. A life where they would move away from Saltburn, maybe to another country- maybe Italy or something. They would buy a nice little house in a small village that had a little pool too cool off in and a barbeque for him to cook things for his family on. He pictured how they would go into town every morning, the three of them, to buy fruits from the local markets and take it back home to devour. He thought about the beach days, playing with his child on the shallow shore of the sea a few miles from their house while Delilah filmed them on a little digital camera to keep the memories safe. It felt so perfect to Felix, so right to start a life with the girl in front of him. He had been with many girls and none of them felt like this, none of them were Delilah.

Finally the sickness stopped and the two migrated to the shower. Delilah was weak and tired all over again, the rest from her sleep all used up in a matter of minutes. 'Ugh i feel disgusting' Delilah sighed, letting the warm water run down her body as Felix placed small kisses onto the side of her neck and down towards her shoulder as he stood behind.

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