T H E . C A B

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Not Allowed by TV Girl<3


As soon as Delilah had sat down for breakfast she played the voicemail to the family. It was a relief that she could now go to the for guidance, that she didn;t have to sit alone with the sadness of missing Felix anymore.

'He sounds so sad.' Ventia said softly, blowing a sigh into her palms as she rested her face in them.

'If you'll give me your phone Delilah, I'll give my friend a call and try to track where he called you from.' James said, wiping his mouth with his napkin and holding out his hand for Delilah's phone. She gave it to him and immediately he was gone, the door to his office closing quickly.

Elsbeth let out a shaky breath before offering Delilah something more to eat, which she declined before also abruptly leaving the room. Her reading was less ominous than James', she had left to vomit. Glamorous, she thought as V held back her hair as she crouched over the downstairs toilet.

'Ginger tea. For the nausea.' Elsbeth said, gently knocking on the bathroom door before letting herself in and moving Venetia softly out of the way to hold the cup of warm tea to Delilah's lips. Surprisingly it helped a lot and Delilah felt back to normal within five minutes.

When she felt stronger, Delilah resumed her position in her bed, the fan next to her on the highest setting as a hot flush engulfed her body, leaving her a sweaty mess against the cotton sheets of her bed. The doctor was due to call today and she was relieved, maybe he could offer her something for the horrendous side effects of pregnancy.

He arrived around 11am, with an entourage of two female nurses who were holding a portable scn and ultrasound, a bag filled with medical equipment, while he stood baggage-less and with a happy grin on his face. His name was Dr. Charles Presswell and Delilah had known him a long time now. Once he had to be called to the Saltburn residence when Venetia and Delilah had drunk rather too much whiskey from Sir james' special cabinet and Dr Presswell had to pump their stomachs in one of the spare rooms in the manor. It was not a pretty sight. Years before that, when Delilah was 7, he was called to come and treat her for chickenpox which she had gotten right at the start of summer. She remembered being scared of him then, but now he was a friendly face, the sort of face you want to see when you're feeling horrendous and in need of medical attention.

'Delilah.' He said in a cheery tone, adorning a bright smile as he walked into her room. She was embarrassed at the state of herself but sort of past the point of caring now. 'I believe this is your first ultrasound!' He cheered again, almost too enthusiastically.

'Don't worry about a thing, sweetheart.' Elsbeth reassured, 'His lips are sealed of your condition.' Delilah was glad for that, while she didn;t much care for the opinion of others, this was something she just couldn't handle getting out just yet.

The nurses quietly got to work setting up the scanning machines while Dr Presswell thoroughly washed his hands in Delilah bathroom with his own medical grade soap, before he pulled some blue latex gloves. He walked back in, his hands raised as if he were about to go into surgery, that smile still plastered onto his face.

'This is nurse Beckett and nurse Andrews.' He introduced them, they both smiled and greeted Delilah as they made the final adjustment to the machinery before turning it on. 'If you're comfortable to, just lift your top up to below your chest and pull your trousers down to just below your pelvic bone.'

He was very direct with his requirements but Delilah didn;t feel uncomfortable in the slightest, she was more focused on the secret excitement she had, knowing what she was about to see.

'Some cold gel now.' He said, squeezing some clear jelly onto her lower stomach as Dleilah lay, still hot with sweat as the fan blew in her face. Before the scan started, Venetia and Farleigh burst into the room, excited but trying to hide it as they tiptoed over to Delilah's side. She nodded in acceptance as their eyes pleaded to come and sit next to her to see the screen. Elsbeth, though also trying to stay composed and professional, took a seat at the edge of the bed, leaning all her weight onto their left hand to get a good look at the currently black screen.

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