'I won't be long'

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Constellations - Piano version by Jade LeMac<3


'Fancy seeing you two here.' Oliver smirked, mumbling drunkenly as he swung a bottle of champagne in his hand.

'What the fuck Olly.' Felix spat, pulling up his jeans and helping Delilah cover up.

'Were you fucking watching us?' Delilah almost gasped, worried at how long Oliver had been standing, watching them.

'No-no-i' He stumbled over his words like he had no control over himself anymore. His eyes were almost totally black, his pupils wider than they'd ever been before as they stared into Delilah's soul once again.

Felix ran his hands through his messy hair, walking back towards Delilah. He crouched in front of her on the blanket, coving her from Oliver, and reaching to her waist to pull the top-half of her dress over the exposed, glistening skin on her chest. 'Go to my room' He wrapped the fluffy blanket around Delilah's shoulder and pulled her hair out from under it, adjusting and smoothing it over the soft material ensuring Delilah was as comfortable as he could make her in this situation. 'I'll sort this out and come up later, okay?' He said softly, giving her a comforting smile.

Something felt dark. It felt as if there were something coming, something just itching to happen. Before, when she and Felix had been intertwined with one another perfectly, it was cold but the sort of cold that was comfortable. Like when you can snuggle under the fresh sheets of your warm bed and become engulfed in a bubble of warmth despite the cold outside. But now, the cold felt bitter and neverending as if they were in some sort of ice age.

'Are you sure?' Delilah said, almost feeling a wave of tears wash over her at the darkness of the situation. Felix nodded, pulling her into a firm hug. The skin of both of their chests melted into each other, so close their heartbeats pumped in sync. He stroked the back of her hair, feeling the tension in her body as Oliver kept his eyes fixed on the pair.

'I love you' He whispered, a final attempt to comfort her nerves.

'I love you too, Felix.' She whispered back into his ear, nestling her head into his neck.

'I won't be long' he smiled softly again, his hand lingering on the back of her head for a moment before gently tapping her shoulder, reassuring Delilah that she could go.

And so she did. Delilah stood up, pulling down the waves of fabric from her dress down, smoothing the creases before slowly walking toward the exit. As she brushed past Oliver her breath hitched, she could feel the uncertain energy buzzing off his skin, defiling the previously love-filled air, turning it still and silent. She locked eyes with Oliver for a moment and time almost stopped. His eyebrow twitched slightly, as if he was unsure of what to do next. Delilah saw the cog of his brain moving behind those black eyes. He looked as if he were battling something, unsure of whether he should go through with something, not knowing if he had the strength. And then time turned back on and Delilah was gone from the centre of the maze.

Delilah waded through the crowds of drunks, coke-up aristocrats, wrapping the blanket tighter around her body in a weak attempt to protect herself. From what she wasn't sure of but somehow she felt she needed it.

Finally she reached the safety of Felix's room, opening the large brown door that cracked in exactly the same way every time it was moved. She removed her dress and pulled on a pair of his boxers and a thick, cosy carhartt hoodie that smelt deliciously of him. Lemon, amber and cigarettes. She felt safe again in his room, back in the bubble that was the two of them, Three of them, now. She cozied down into his sheets, making sure she wasn't on his side of the bed. He's always been particular about the side he sleeps on. Venetia and her had always laughed at him for his little habits like that but now, she thought it was kind of sweet really.

With her eyelids heavy and asleep on her mind, Delilah plumped up his pillow, grabbing his pyjamas from the floor and folding them onto it. She got everything ready for when he got back, knowing he would be cold and definitely in need of sanctuary after whatever weird, obsessed things Oliver will have said to him in that ghastly accent of his. Everything was laid out and ready so Delilah finally let herself sink into the mattress, the covers up to her neck trapping all the warm, comforting air to her body.

She laid there, waiting for Felix to walk in the door. She thought about how he would be holding her soon, how she would wrap her legs over his and peck small kisses onto his chest as they lay, half-awake, half-asleep. Her hand fell to her stomach, moving across her belly. For the first time since she found out, she felt a tiny bit excited she was having a baby. His baby. Their baby, a total combination of their genes, something they had made together, out of love. It was something that was totally theirs, not part of Saltburn or part of the weird, money-warped system they were brought up in. Just theirs. She wondered if it was a boy or a girl, she wondered what Felix wanted. She knew they both wouldn't care because despite it was most definitely an accident, they wanted it. They wanted it and they wanted each other. Forever.

Sleep fell heavier onto Delilah, tempting her to fall into it. She wanted to be awake when Felix got back but, knowing herself and her inability to say no to a nap, she reached her hand over to the bedside table. On it there would be a pencil and some sort of scrap of paper. She found the pencil and a paper wrapper of a toffee-sweet and wrote 'Wake me up when you see this. I love you.' She placed it onto the folded pyjamas on his pillow and laid her head back into the cloud-like pillows. In her sleepy state, she cringed slightly at herself, at how soft she had become for a boy she had grown up with. It's hormones, she reassured herself. And with that, knowing she would be in his arms again soon, the words 'I won't be long' echoing in her brain, Delilah fell into a delicious sleep. 

AN: A little short one for you, I'm so sorry for being so inactive!! Hope to post more regularly from now on. Also... thank you all so much for the love on this story!!! I'm so glad people are just as obsessed with Jacob as I am you guys are my people!

Stay safe, you are loved<3

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