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The Christmas Waltz by Frank Sinatra <3


A couple of days had passed. Delilah and V had a sleepover in her hotel room the night Felix had given his friendship speech, to debrief obviously. Venetia was shocked at his new-found honesty but there was a glint of hope in her eyes that maybe her own friendship with her brother would follow. And it did.

In the following days something shifted within Felix and he made an effort with every one of his family members, paying for dinner one night and actively engaging in family conversation while sober. He had worked on things with Delilah too, asking her almost 100 times a day how she was feeling, how the baby was- constantly checking up on them both. He was awkward when he did it but in a way it was sweet and Delilah deserved it. Like he had said, their baby deserved a father who was interested and present and something was better than nothing.

The fizz that erupted between them when Delilah and Felix touched remained as it was- violent. It was something innate and primal, something neither of them could stop even if they did want to. But, as her due date was approaching she couldn't afford to clog her mind with thought of her and Felix ever being something again. This was so much bigger than the summer fling turned love affair that had started this whole situation although there were times, when she was alone, where she wished it was the start of summer again. Where her entire mind was filled with smoke and wine and sun. Where she and Venetia would stay up talking until dawn, where Farleigh would bring in a warm mug of coffee after a big night, where she and Felix were a big and beautiful secret. She missed their talks on the balcony, the way he would light a cigarette for her, how he would brush his hand along her waist when he passed her in a busy corridor of the manor.

But that was gone and all Delilah could do was keep moving forward- even if it was nearly killing her.

It was finally christmas eve and the family arrived home from yet another posh dinner. Delilah couldn't wait to get out of her fancy clothes and into pyjamas and so she and Venetia practically raced to the elevators once they arrived back at the hotel. Once in the comfort of her room, Delilah pulled off her dress and heels, jumping in a warm shower to melt the cold from her skin. She slathered herself in body oil for her pink stretch marks that lined her stomach and pulled her hair up into a ponytail, her curls bouncing behind her when she walked.

The family always wore matching pyjamas on christmas eve and Elsbeth had organised them to be laid out neatly on every family member's beds for when they got home. The pyjamas were classic red and green tartan, a cotton material that felt like heaven against Delilah's tired body. Along with the pyjamas came a pair of red fluffy socks and so she pulled those on as well before sliding her feet into some slippers and grabbing her room key. She locked her door and walked only a few steps over to Venetias room and then Farleighs to pick them up. They joined Felix who was already in the elevator and headed up to the penthouse where Elsbeth and James had set up some sort of Christmas event.

Once the children arrived, all matching in their pyjamas, Elsbeth opened the door to reveal a huge christmas tree adorned with sparkling ornaments, the floor filled with presents. There was a fireplace with a stocking for each of them, hot mugs of cocoa on the ledge.

As she got further in, Delilah was shocked to see two beautiful double beds set up in the living room of the penthouse. Classic Elsbeth. While she wasn't all that connected, she knew how to throw a damn party. Everyone took their seats on the sofa, Felix sitting next to Delilah and handing her a mug of hot chocolate.

'Oh- Thank you.' She smiled. He smiled back, nudging her gently with the side of his bicep. Shivers rippled through her body.

Elsbeth sat next to Felix, Venetia and Farleigh on the sofa across from them and James in the big comfy armchair with his paper. Elsbeth cleared her throat gently. 'I just want to say-' She stuttered for a moment almost like she was choking back a tear. 'I wanted us to be together tonight. We haven't been together in so long and-' Her eyes were glazed and she pulled Felix in to her, kissing the side of his head like it meant the world. 'I just want you all to know that what happens in this life, we will always be a family- blood or not. After the year we've all had, well- i don't think i truly understood what family meant until this year. Although it's been shockingly shit for everyone i don't think we would have survived it without each other. So thank you, my loves.' She was truly crying now, setting everyone off with her.

Delilah felt tears prick at her own eyes, the hot salty water rolling down her cheeks and into her smile lines as she lingered onto Elsbeth's words. They were Delilah everything, everyone in that room was her lifeline. One particular person. The man sat next to her, his hand ever so gently brushing the side of her thigh as he rubbed his mothers back and thanked her for everything himself. She looked at Felix, dark circles fading beneath his eyes, and watched his broken self dissipate slightly. He would never be the old him, it was impossible after everything, but Delilah released for the first time that in her heart of hearts, she would love every version of Felix Catton. In every lifetime, through thick and thin she would not be able to force herself out of love with him. He was her everything.

It was such an abrupt realisation at first, almost taking Delilah out as waves of love for this boy crashed over her in slow motion. But really, she always knew this feeling was there, this unwavering, unconditional love. He had both dragged her through the depths of hell and the heights of heaven and she loved him. She loved him.

And she didn't know whether it was the emotions of Christmas, her hormones or the raw and honest truth but Delilah was going to tell him. 

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