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       Outside, Arya and Dante were playfully bickering and chasing each other around the table while Sabrina, Sid, and Jacob sat in the fold-able chairs around the fire. Sabrina was in the middle of the two of them flirting it up, knees to her chest, twirling her short hair and batting her eyes; Sid was way more receptive than Jacob. Where his head was leaned toward the girl between them, super attentive and interested in anything she said, Jacob's legs were leaned the opposite way and he refused to look up from his phone, even when she spoke directly to him. The moment he saw you, a timid smile was momentarily visible as he put his phone in his pocket straight away.

"Good everybody's here now," Sabrina said with an edge to her voice that didn't seem entirely pleased. "You know what's missing though?"

"What?" Sid asked.

"Alcoohhoolll," she replied in a sing-song voice. This got Dante and Arya's attention, and they cheered along with Sid and Sabrina; Jacob seemed as impartial as you did. "Someone should run up to the little camp store and grab some seltzers or something..." she turned to Jacob. "Maybe we could?"

He didn't even look her way when he spoke with finality, "No. Thanks."

Clearly not being used to hearing that, shock and offense were all over Sabrina's face, and in her tone, "Oookay." She scanned the group again as you tried to fight off a smile, and her eyes landed on you, of course. "Maybe Y/N could go? I didn't get a nap and my feet hurt."

You were about to tell her it was her own choice not to nap and that you wouldn't even be drinking, but Dante cut in right when you opened your mouth to say it.

"I'll go with you, come on," he pointed up the sloped ground toward the grounds' store and began marching to where you stood.

You fought an internal battle with yourself, going back and forth between hating the idea of leaving Jacob here with a flirty half-dressed Sabrina, and reasoning that he's a single man that you had no rule over and could do whatever he wants. If she was what he chose to do, you'd have to be okay with that. Besides, it's not like this trip would last forever; in just a few days you'd go back to your regular life in Michigan, and this whole stir of emotions from seeing him again would become just another memory.

Once you and Dante were out of earshot, he said, "Arya is really happy. This week so far is every thing she hoped."

You knew what he was doing, but you were glad to hear it, "You think so?"

"Yeah, and she was real worried about having an uneven amount of bridesmaids too," Dante watched his feet as you two walked. "Thought she might have to cut Sabrina out."

"Oh, wouldn't that have been a tragedy?"

He chuckled at that, and then, "Yeah she's... she can be..."

"Yeah," you supplied, and were glad he understood. "Well, you could've cut Jacob out."

He looked at you and knew you were mostly joking, then turned toward the building you quickly approached, "I appreciate you being here and that neither of y'all are bein' all weird or making a scene."

"You don't think we're being weird?" you inquired genuinely. "You wouldn't call what happened at the waterfall weird?"

He laughed and shook his head, "Hey man, what goes on in Jacob's swim trunks ain't none of my business. But it was funny."

"It's not my business either," you tittered, and held the door open for him to go first. He nodded as a thank you, and you followed him in afterward.

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