made for each other

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       Time slipped by quicker than you two realized, and you soon noticed that the other two tables of people who were here even before you were gone. You checked your phone first, and in the group chat Sabrina had sent a selfie of her and Arya doing kissy faces, the former of course had a large yellow margarita in hand; Sid heart reacted to it, and you were suddenly reminded of the sleeping situation you'd have to face tonight. For now you pushed it out of your mind, and read the following texts in the group chat.

Dante: just whooped everybody in basketball
Arya: lol good job babe ♡
Sid: what do u expect of me i'm white

The last text had a laugh react from basically everyone, you snickered to yourself and went on reading.

Lea: yall ready to meet back up yet or can i go fw this dude ?
Arya: Lea ! smh give him ur number and come on lmao me and sab was just headed to the fountain
Jaxon: so we meeting back up now ?
Arya: yes if that's cool w everyone

The last text was sent moments ago and had a thumbs up from everyone besides you and Jacob, and when you looked up, he was gathering both of your plates and trash from the table to dispose of it all. When he got back from the trashcan you filled him in on the group's decisions from the chat. He nodded and extended his hand to help you up, as if you needed help standing from a chair, but you took it anyway. You thanked him again for paying, and he assured you it was no problem. As you two exited the café, you realized there was something you had forgotten to ask as of yet.

"Hey," you began, tone already accusatory, "I have a question for you to answer now."

"What's that?" Jacob's voice and smile conveyed his intrigue.

"Why'd you block me?" you asked, realizing as you said it out loud how juvenile it sounded. "I mean, in your email you said... you know that you'd 'be there waiting', and then I was blocked on everything."

"So you looked me up, huh?" There was that knee-weakening smirk again, you rolled your eyes with a half smile, and he went on in a sarcastic tone, "But okay let's see, hmm... I pour my heart out to the only girl I ever loved, waited in agonizing anticipation for her response -- hopefully that she loved and wanted me too -- and then I find out from my sister that she moved states away without a single word."

At the start of his spiel you'd wanted to laugh, but now more guilt crept in and you said again, "I'm sorry." He dismissively waved at you, but you had more to say.

"Of course I loved and wanted you," you continued, and he had an almost unnoticeable facial reaction to your use of past tense-- but you noticed. "But the wound was fresh then, like we talked about. There were a lot of factors, but, I still should've said something."

He faintly smiled over at you and returned his gaze to straight ahead, then admitted, "I had to block you because I couldn't stand to see you and not have you; that's probably selfish but that's my reason. I knew if I had access to your pictures, or life updates, I'd probably be able to rival Joe Goldberg. You know, without all the killing of course."

You laughed at that, which prompted him to, and as you two arrived at the fountain and the few from your group who were already there came into view, you noticed that same entertained satisfaction on Dante's face. You really had to remember to scold him later and demand to know what he was thinking at moments like these.

On the ride back to the AirBNB, everyone caught each other up with what they'd done and seen while we were all separated. Jacob had offered to drive, so that got him out of spilling what you'd done with your time, and left you to have to carefully choose your answers about your furtive conversation. The spotlight wasn't on you for long, and soon enough you guys were pulling back into the huge house's driveway. As Arya and her maid of honor and other bridesmaid giggled and stumbled into the house, and Jaxon and Sid went on and on to each other about something or other, you finally caught Dante alone.

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