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       You slapped your phone onto the mattress after putting it immediately back onto Do Not Disturb and took a deep breath, the reality of what you'd just done settling over you. What the hell were you thinking? You had rent to pay, and double now that Eden would soon be moving out. Only for a moment did you entertain the idea of calling back and pleading with your shithead boss for your job back, but you hated that job and the whole headache of it. Your hand flew to your necklace to begin anxiously twisting, and tears were threatening to spill over and down your face. Overflowing with worry and distress, you decided to try calling Drew, despite knowing it was past her and Ben's bed time. Your nerves grew with every passing ring, and finally it went to voicemail.

Overwhelmed and not having a single person to talk to, you finally just let yourself cry. You wiped tear after tear and sniffled, staying as quiet as you could. You were all the way out on vacation, emotions already on over drive from the up and down of seeing Jacob, dealing with your growing and unjustified resentment toward Sabrina, and now wouldn't even have a job waiting for you back in Michigan.

Without warning, the RV's door was pulled open, and you wiped at your eyes and hushed yourself as quickly as possible. Jacob appeared in the doorway with a cautious expression, then froze upon seeing your undoubtedly blotchy face.

"Y/N," he shut the door quietly as to not draw attention from the others. He sat next to you on the edge of your bed about a foot and a half away. "What... what's wrong?" Concern was all over his face, his eyes wide and brows drawn together.

"Nothing," you halfheartedly laughed, though you could still see your lashes wet with tears. "I'm just being dramatic."

"I don't believe that," he let his knees separate until his right one bumped against your left. "You can talk to me."

You sniffled and looked down at you guys' touching knees, then back up to him.

"Really. I'm not trying to pull anything I promise," he assured you. It was so quiet in the RV aside from his words that it sounded like you were listening with headphones to an audio of his voice. "I just want to help you. Let me be here."

Talking to him was getting less difficult by the day, but you would never call it easy. As long as both elephants in the room stayed unaddressed -- you being exes, and him telling you he still loved you last night -- you guys would get through the rest of this trip unscathed. But there was still that tiny part of you, a pestering little hope you couldn't squash that begged you to run back to him. Accept his offer and melt in his arms. You wanted to kiss him, to slap him, to yell at him, to sleep with him. Just sleep with him. You missed the intimacy between you two from moments just like this, where only you existed. All he saw was you, and all you saw was him. Finally, you lowered your guard, and you two were just Y/N and Jacob again.

"I just quit my job," you blurted, a smile fighting its way onto your face, though nothing about the statement was funny. He listened intently and without judgement. "My boss told me I had to come in for a shift in a couple days because someone got fired for stealing food, which, Jesus Christ just let them have it, and I said no, because I'm on vacation. Well apparently me going on a 'silly little road trip' isn't a company problem and blah blah blah, so I just quit. On a whim. I did hate it there so much, but my roommate is moving out, and Drew's not answering, and..." You stopped before you mentioned that being around him was adding to your emotional turmoil. "It's just, a lot to worry about."

He thought for a moment, nodding slowly and staring at a random spot on the floor, "I could get you a job."

You pursed your lips and tilted your head to the side, "Yeah I'm sure I'd be a great software developer. Especially with my degree from The School for Those Devoid of Talent."

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