right person, right time

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       To say that Jacob went over the speed limit to get to her as fast as humanly possible would be an understatement. He stamped that gas pedal down nearly to the floor, probably breaking multiple laws on the 20 minute drive back to the airport. His heart pounded in his chest, any previous exhaustion from his own travel day was long gone now. At each of the two red lights that delayed him, he seriously considered running them and facing the consequences later. Luckily they'd both changed to green seconds before he made that decision.

He arrived at the beginning of the terminal lanes not a moment too soon, quickly -- and arguably dangerously -- maneuvering between cars to get as close to the entrance as possible. Settling for being illegally double parked next to a black SUV with it's trunk open, he pushed his hazards button with a bit too much force, parked the car, and yanked the keys out. His bare feet hit the ground and he swore, but couldn't be bothered. He was rushing into that airport instantly looking for the only girl he ever loved. Groups and groups of being rushed by, none of them familiar, none of them her. Civility and avoiding seeming rude were the last things on his mind as he shoved through the crowd of antsy travelers to look around in the small clearing in front of the TSA booths.

And on a bench a few yards away, giant suitcase next to her, there she sat. Her demeanor was entirely downcast, until their eyes met.


You stood when you saw him-- he'd actually come. And so speedily without a second thought that he had pajama bottoms and no shoes on. His chest rose and fell rapidly, and he searched your face with concern all over his own as he approached. His lips were parted, and his eyes were frantic as he looked you over again and again. For a moment you both stood frozen as you stared each other, paralyzed by the heaviness of the moment. You two were really here, really together again. This was it.

"Baby..." he spoke gently, and looked like he wanted to reach for your hands, but held himself back. "What's wrong, what happened?"

You offered a one shoulder shrug and said, "I missed my flight."

"Your... wasn't that hours ago? How long have you been here?" His eyes darted around behind your head, presumably looking for an employee, "I'll get you another one, okay? Don't worry about it."

"No," you put your hand on his shoulder to stop him from moving past you, the electricity of touching him again rippling through you. "I missed it on purpose."

"You..." he shook his head and blinked repeatedly. "Why?" 

You answered him not with words, but by throwing yourself at him and burying your face in his neck; the smell of his hair and skin were an unmatched comfort. His arms hesitantly came to wrap around you in seconds, and he squeezed you to him as if you'd disappear if he didn't hold you that tight. You stayed that way for a good few moments, and when you pulled off of him, happy tears were in your eyes and a lop sided grin was plastered on your face.

"Is this... because I left without saying goodbye again?" He guessed. There was something in his voice that seemed like he knew what this was, but wouldn't let himself believe it; like it was too good to be true. You laughed and wiped a tear from your eye. He took both your hands in his, "I'm sorry, I was a coward. I just couldn't say goodbye again... but, I will now; I can now. Before all this, I thought I was almost over you. But then I saw you, and you proved me so wrong on that. But..." he gulped before saying, "I will get over you... Eventually."

You moved your face to be a few inches closer to his, and his gaze dropped to your lips as you said, "And what if I don't want you to?"

He swallowed hard again then let out an exasperated breath, "Y/N..."

"I love you Jacob," you said simply, and the sound of relief he made had your heart swelling beyond comprehension. "I love you so much it's all I can think about. I can see how much you've grown, and it means so much that you've both fought for me and would be willing to step back and let me choose, even if my choice wasn't you." His hands rose to hold your face, and you continued. "But, being with you lately has made me feel whole again, like that feeling of home I've been missing was you all along. And... if you'll still have me, I think I'm ready to come home."

The world around you became a blur as Jacob's lips crashed against yours, his strong arms encircling you once again. You melted into him just as he did you, and it was unclear where you ended and he began, as if your very souls were rejoicing at your reunion. Your heads tilted this way and that, and you giggled against each other's mouths when your noses bumped. Neither of you could get enough: the two of you a mess of happy tears and laughter where you stood. You looked over each other's faces in disbelief, only to get right back to your heartfelt kisses seconds later. Your forgotten suitcase fell on its side next to you guys, and you laughed at that too.

"I love you," he left delicate kisses over your eyelids, your nose, and both cheeks, telling you this between each one. "I'd do anything for you. Of course I'll have you, of course."

And just like that, you two became an us again. In a way, just like you had been, but in another, so entirely different. You had no idea how things would go, but you knew if you'd gotten on that plane to Michigan, that would be running away, not this. There was nothing there for you, and you were trying desperately to hide from everyone including yourself that you still loved Jacob. Still loved him, and did all over again, just like he said.

There was a point a long time ago, when you'd said that sometimes just loving someone wasn't enough to stay. But other times, it's all the reason in the world.

He kept looking you over and smiling, again and again as if he were making sure you were real, that this was really happening. You almost couldn't believe it yourself. He took your hand to lead you to his car, and you both blushed like kids in love again. If he was the right person, and you knew he was, but before wasn't the right time, you knew without a doubt that this definitely was.

Whatever would happen now, you knew it'd be okay because you and Jacob would figure it out together; the way it should be, and would always be from here on.

the end.

~epilogue, author's note, and potential bonus scene coming soon :)

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