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       "You guys really don't need help?" Arya's loud call over to Dante and Jacob interrupted your train of thought.

"Nah, we got it," he replied, but sounded slightly strained.

Arya shrugged then closed her eyes again, claiming the sun was far too bright. You stood by her and watched as the guys finished packing up, making small talk about the wedding and what a nice trip it's been so far. There was some stirring inside the RV, and a moment later a very disoriented looking Sid joined the group outside.

"Oh, we leaving?" He muttered while zipping up his thin jacket.

"Nice timing, you get out here right as we finish," Dante huffed in a sportive tone.

"Sorry man," Sid held his hands up with a smirk, "Long night last night."

You raised your brows slightly with interest and Arya's head snapped up to look at Sid just as Dante and Jacob reached us to join.

"Did you sleep with that girl?" she demanded in a whisper.

"Not yet," he grinned. "But she likes me, right? I feel like tonight it'll happen."

You locked eyes with Jacob and you two made identical awkward faces at the thought of Sabrina and Sid going at it. His smile turned to a laugh a second before yours did, and you caught Dante looking between the two of you almost satisfactorily. The woman herself appeared then, slamming the RV door open and shielding her face from the sun as though she wasn't already wearing dark lenses.

"Goddd what time is it?" she said in a pained voice, swaying clumsily on the top step. She wasn't still drunk, but it was obvious that she felt like shit, cause frankly she looked like it. Her short hair was sticking this way and that, one of her false lash strips was stuck to her cheek, and she only had on messily scrunched pants and her bra.

"8AM, rise and shine beautiful," Arya taunted, removing her hand from her blanket cocoon to wave.

The other girl groaned and looked sluggishly around at your faces, until her eyes landed on Sid.

"Siiid," she sang with the joy of a child. "I need you to do something for me."

"Oh lord," Dante mumbled.

She sauntered over to him, and he stood waiting for her looking thoroughly entranced the whole time. When she got to him, she pulled the cliché move of walking two fingers up his chest and batting her eyes up at him as she said, "I'm really tired right now, and my stomach really hurts. Do you think you'd have the strength to drive my hour for me?" Then, she cupped her hand around his ear and leaned in to whisper something inaudible.

Sid visibly gulped and shook his head eagerly, "Yeah yeah, yeah I can, yes."

She grinned up him mischievously and winked as she thanked him, then made her way back to the RV where you assumed she'd sleep for at least the next 6 hours. The other four of you exchanged amused glances, then all joined her in piling into the RV. Dante offered to drive the first and last hours, allowing his fiancée the same grace as Sabrina. When the first one was up, you guys pulled into a gas station to restock on snacks, fuel, and feeling in your legs. You caught up to Jacob just before he stepped back into the RV while the others were still checking out in the store.

"Hey," you jogged a second to reach him, and he stopped when he saw you to step back down to the ground.

"Hey," his lips formed a small and crooked smile.

You crossed your arms casually and looked up at him, a knowing expression already when you said, "I got some interestingly specific gum this morning; might that have been you?"

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