another life

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       The hall that Dante and Arya had rented was already beautiful, even half-decorated as it was. A big open space at least 6 feet wide would serve as the aisle the bride would walk down, the floor smoothed-over concrete. Massive wooden beams towered from the ground to the ceiling, connected by strings of fairy lights, and over to the left was even a tiny spiral staircase that led to a small balcony which no doubt had the best seats in the house to view the ceremony. At the back of the building, a restaurant-style kitchen was busy full of waiters and chefs finishing up all the food, and on either sides of the aisles were all the scattered tables to eat at, all circle shaped and covered in white, lacy cloth. At the front, a rectangular golden archway was decorated with navy blue and white fabrics of sort, and fake flowers that were a metallic silver.

"I feel a little under-dressed," Sabrina playfully whispered to your group, still in only an oversized shirt and hidden shorts; Sid was the only one to respond with a smile.

"You're here," Lea came rushing over to the four of you, pamphlets and a set of wrapped silverware in her hands. "We got a good chunk of decorating done but we really got to get our hair and makeup done so let the guys take over with setup."

Sabrina unlinked her arm from Sid's and the two of you began following Lea after she told Sid and Jacob to start with setting up the centerpieces and plates on the tables.

"Back here," the maid of honor led you and Sabrina around a tiny corner into a room with fluorescent lighting and two vanities, which were covered in hair and makeup supplies. "Can you do your own foundation?" Lea turned to Sabrina. "I won't be too long on Y/N's hair."

And with a nod, you all got started. Lea's makeup was already done, and you'd both have a variation very similar to it, just slightly different to set her apart. You and Sabrina smeared foundation over your faces and down your necks while Lea worked on your hair, and you glanced over to the back of the door where all three of your dresses hung in plastic bags. You could only see that they were dusty blue and seemingly floor length, nothing else.

By 3:45, with only 15 minutes to spare, you were all finally done, made up, and in your dresses. The sleeves were slightly off the shoulder, and each dress had a slit up the leg that stopped just above the knee, and you all wore the same silver strappy sandals. Lea's dress was the same as the two of yours, only navy blue, as you imagined Jaxon's suit would also be. In a split second of tranquility, you got a glimpse of yourself standing in the vanity mirror; you didn't usually like your hair pulled up, but this was loose enough that it looked nice, and the delicate silver, leafy headband definitely helped. Lea was an expert at makeup, and this cut-crease and contour job were all the proof you needed of that.

"We're almost up," Sabrina said after peaking from the room. "You guys ready?"

Nerves hit you all at once as you realized you guys hadn't even practiced, and you didn't know how fast to walk or where to go.

"I am," Lea answered. "I'm glad I'm going last though, to be honest."

You swallowed hard, "What's the order, who's first?"

"I can go first, me and Sid of course," Sabrina offered. Your heart dropped at the implications of who that'd leave you with, and she saw it on your face. "It was swapped, you with him and me with Jacob. But, after recent events," she smiled deviously. "Dante switched it."

You blinked rapidly and took in a deep breath, and tried to convince yourself it didn't matter. You two would walk down and aisle, separate, and not have to interact for the rest of the night; you wondered if Jacob knew he was walking with you. The knowledgeable maid of honor told you two where you'd meet at the beginning of the aisle with your designated groomsmen, walk at a normal pace, and separate to stand on the side of whose party you were in. From there you'd just stand in support with your tiny bouquets, and retreat the same way down the aisle after the newlyweds.

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