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       You and Jacob soon had a little road trip of your own, six and a half hours in a rented U-Haul to retrieve your things from Michigan. He did most of the driving, and you guys pulled over a lot more on this trip than the last, but not only for gas: sometimes your desire for each other was so strong you just couldn't help yourselves. Since Eden was moving out herself in only a few days, she couldn't have cared less when you told her you were leaving also.

You really wanted to do things right this time, so for your first seven months living back in Pennsylvania, you stayed with Drew. She was elated, and said it was like having her little sister back. You were back in your old room, right where you'd been before, just a whole lot happier and healthier now. A month before you left her house, she even went to cosmetology school as Ben had suggested; she was doing amazing and her future in doing what she was passionate about looked promising.

When you two took that giant step and you finally moved in with Jacob, he hardly let you lift a finger in the process. Every time he flexed while picking up another one of your heavier items, you had to have him. And he was always more than happy to oblige. Your things settled perfectly in with his soon enough, but that first night, he took your hand and spun you under his arm, and the two of you danced right there in the living room surrounded by your clutter of packed boxes.

As you two got more and more serious, you began worrying about his parents: had they let go of their grudge against you? Would they approve now, would it matter? Jacob told you, 'the family you create is more important than the family you come from', and even if somehow they didn't love you, it wouldn't change how he felt for you in the slightest. On the subject of his family, you finally found out what he'd meant in the RV all that time ago when he said he could get you a job. You'd thought he meant somewhere in his workplace, like a secretary or something, but as it turned out, Isabella worked at a preschool. Coincidentally, preschools don't require their employees to have degrees, and that particular one had an opening for a teacher in the four year old classroom. Life truly had become a dream come true.


    It'd been two years of bliss living with Jacob; and a bonus to be less than thirty minutes from Drew. Dante and Arya, however, lived a little under an hour from you guys, which was where you were just about arriving now. It'd been a few months since you guys had seen them, but they were having a small celebratory gathering at their place tonight. A rather important one at that.

"You put the card in the bag, right babe?" you made sure as your friends' driveway came into view, realizing you probably should have asked way earlier.

"Yeah, it's in there."

"And Dante's mom will be here soon?"

"Yup, everything's running right on track," he answered, and flipped his mirror down once you'd parked to flatten some fly-away hairs. "Do I look alright?" He adjusted the collar of his midnight blue button up, and picked some invisible lint from his khakis.

"You look perfect of course," you said, then tittered, "Why?"

He flipped the mirror up and faced you as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "First impressions matter, duh."

You smiled and shook your head fondly at him as the two of you exited the car, and he opened the back door to retrieve the enormous bag from the backseat that said in pastel bubble letters, Welcome Baby!
Today would be the first time you both would meet Dante and Arya's new baby boy, Carter. After their immediate family had met and loved on him, the two of you were next. And after you, you'd heard Sid and Sabrina would get a turn; separately, of course. Apparently those two had only been a hook up for the week of the wedding, unbeknownst to Sid. But he got over her in his own time, and she was still as wild and free as ever.

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