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"Hey, man."

Tommy blinked the blurriness from his eyes, the stench of cannabis wafting out from the room. "I need you to figure out how to make this." He shoved the bomb into Linden's hand, leaning against the doorframe, a stoic expression on his face.

Eugene's eyebrows raised and he sighed, looking over the bomb and running a hand over his beard. "Looks simple enough. Modified pipe bomb." He turned and walked into his room.

The blonde followed the older man in, taking notice of the homemade mask bong and cannabis plants in the corner of the room. "I know what it is. Can you make it?"

"Shit... yeah, I can make it. Where the hell did you even get this," Eugene asked, rotating the pipe bomb in his hand, taking a seat on the couch bed against the wall.

"Came across some girls in the woods earlier. One of em had some in her backpack."

"Girls?" Linden eyed Tommy.


"Hey, Tommy! Come here a second," Houser yelled out over the sound of the generator, a welder's helmet pulled up from his face. He climbed down from the top of the first turbine and made his way over to the catwalk where Tommy stood, sliding the notebook and pipe bomb in his back pocket.

"Hey, Joey. How's everything runnin'?" Tommy asked, running his fingers through his hair.

"Comin' along. Hey, listen, do me a favor, would ya? One of the bearings on the second turbine is unfixable. Rust just got to it. You take that trip out to Texas, I need you to stop by somewhere for me," Josiah spoke as he pulled his gloves off.

Tommy huffed out a sigh, giving Houser a look. "I don't even know if I'm going."

"Well, a group of us went out yesterday to that factory a couple hours east of here, and nothing. The place was wrecked- chipped blades, broken chains, rusty bearings, so... if you go to Texas, there's an old hydroelectric dam in Oklahoma. The Fort Gibson Dam. It's in a town called Cherokee County- northeast of Oklahoma City. I need you to get a guide bearing from one of those turbines."


Tommy backed out of the doorway and Maria came out into the hall with him, closing the door.

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