9 - Black Knight

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Arm's POV (back to present described in chapter 5: Arms is in Macau's bedroom)

How deep is Vegas' love for Pete or how crazy is his obsession for him?! Either case, that little chat they had worked really fine.

Vegas is no fool. First thing in the morning he kicks Macau's door down pointing a gun at me...again. But this time he turned the grip and handed it to me.

"Am I allowed to stay? And have a gun?! What's the catch?!"

"There's no catch. Are your glasses a disguise?! Are you superman?! Can you stop bullets with your hands?!" He frowns. "Since I clearly can not get you out of this house, make yourself useful. Do not hesitate. Whoever bastard tries to hurt my brother you shoot to death in a blink. Is that understood?!"

I take the gun and nod.

I did understand what Vegas meant.

All bodyguards in that house greeted me well when we three went downstairs to have breakfast.

But they are all bodyguards from Main Family.

Just like me.


Time passed.

Surprisingly, it went smoothly.

Vegas accepted my presence easier than I thought.

Until the day Pete came back to Thailand. (arc to Chess Room – Chapter 60 – The White Clan)

It was early in the morning when Vegas called me to his bedroom and gave me the news.

We were at his walking closet. He was preparing himself for this important meeting with Lian Wang, Assistant Lee...and Pete, the White Clan Command.

"I'm heading to the Main Family House" Vegas was fixing his tie while looking at me through the mirror.

"It's not for a mere visit, sir. Mr Wang might be up to something."

"He's definitely up to something, Arm."

"Do you think it is wise to go, Khun Vegas?!"

"This is more than enough reason for me to go. I have to know what sucker Wang was planning for all this time they remained suspiciously quiet."

"But how about..." I shut up aware of my indiscretion.



"I'm leaving with him." He says nonchalantly.


"Well...Pete is not aware of this resolution of mine yet...actually he won't be aware of it for some time."

"What do you mean, Khun Vegas?!"

"I have no expectations that Pete will stay in Thailand, Arm. However, I'm not willing to let him go just like that again. One time at Chumpton Island was more than enough."


"I don't make the same mistake twice." (in English). His cold gaze gives me chills. "I'm following him to Taipei or whatever hole my rabbit will be hiding himself from me."

"It will be dangerous, Khun Vegas. Give it a second thought, please. You'll be alone in enemies' land...an easy target for..."


"...and the white clan!"

"Nah...nothing to worry about. Who said I don't want to get caught, anyway.?!"

ArmMacau Side Story [White Bishop]Where stories live. Discover now