15 - Undesirable guest

543 28 8

Tankhun's POV

"What are you doing here, crazy cousin?!"


"Oh, really?!" he lowers his voice and whispers "I want to know how did you..."

"Macau, do something useful instead of annoying me so early in the morning with your questions. Bring me water."

"I just got here! This is not even my house to bring you water. This is HIS house!" Macau points to the tall guy wearing a fine suit. That man...what is his name?!"

"Hey, you! Be careful with those suitcases." He glares at me awfully before handing my suitcases to an employee.

But answers with a fake smile.

"Sure. Why don't you feel comfortable at my humble house, as you seem to be already, Mr. Tankhun...our butler will bring refreshments for everyone."

I just wave my hand in agreement.

Macau keeps staring at me annoyingly. Chay keeps his mouth shut, trying to hide behind Macau.

I point to him.

"Do you think your bother would be quietly waiting for news, silly boy?! Make up a better excuse next time."

Chay trembles.

"My brother?! Does he know I'm..."

"Raise your hands to the Heavens that I proposed to come in your brother's place to take you back. Porsche would make a fuss! This time Kim is not to blame at all! Lies have short legs, boy! Lies don't travel far."

"Well... a lie brought me here."

"Don't act smart on me, brat! If I tell Kim..."

"Does Kim know I'm here?!"

"I said 'If I TELL Kim...', are you deaf?! Kinn managed the situation with Porsche. He hasn't bothered my little brother with your nonsense."

"Oh, please don't tell Kim! It would be embarrassing."

"It is indeed embarrassing you doubting Kim to the point of following him to China. If you can't respect my brother, can't you at least have some little self-respect?!"

"But It was Kim who decided to come on a trip alone with..."

"If you don't trust your boyfriend, you shouldn't be dating him in the first place, should you?!"

"Yeah, but..."

"I'm not interest in your excuses to be a I don't care about your excuses for being a paranoid girlfriend. We are going back! Both of you are going back to Thailand with me."

"If we are going back, why have brought so many cases?!"

Macau interrupts me. How dare him.

"Because I don't leave my house unprepared, of course."

"We just got in here. We can't leave!"

"Why not?!"

"Because...because I'm sightseeing as well! Mr. Wang kindly offered his big villa to stay...and would be rude not...STAYING. You can't go back to Thailand and take Chay with you, cousin. I have nothing to do with his lying to his brother and boyfriend."

["Are you seriously sacrificing me, Macau?!You're a jerk!"] Chay whispers to Macau as I would not listen to it. Duh. Those two are so dumb.

["I didn't ask you to come with me! It was you who..."]

["It's so ingrateful of you..."]

"Excuse me, first son" That guy comes close to me, invading my personal space...argh. "May I suggest you to allow those two friends to stay for a couple of days?! I'm afraid their friendship might be in danger if they leave with you right now."

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