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Whenever I engage in sexual activity, I make a conscious effort to delay my orgasm, allowing myself to savor the intense pleasure for a longer period of time. However, on this particular occasion, things escalated rapidly, and I found myself unable to control my release. Her fingers were relentless, determined to bring me to climax as quickly as possible. Within seconds, I could feel my penis reaching its limit.

Trembling uncontrollably, my hips moved involuntarily as my penis began to ejaculate. A copious amount of cum surged from the tip, surpassing my expectations in terms of volume. Looking back, I estimate it was at least four days' worth of cum.

As I started to cum, her eyebrows furrowed, mirroring the expression of her daughter. Without hesitation, she swallowed my load with the expertise of a seasoned professional. I was captivated by her actions; it was impossible for any healthy man to resist her allure. After consuming my substantial load, she released my penis from her lips, a trail of sticky drool lingering behind. Following such an intense release, it was only natural for my penis to lose its erection. I could almost detect a hint of sadness in her eyes as she observed my flaccid state.

Our eyes met. Time seemed to stand still in that moment. Our gazes locked, and the dazed expression on her face transformed into one of horror and guilt. She sat up abruptly, her hand covering her mouth. "Oh dear, what have I done? Oh no..." she cried out, visibly shaken by her own actions.

Now, my dear friend, if you were in my position, what would you say in this situation? Your future mother-in-law has just performed oral sex on you behind your girlfriend's back, and it is evident that she is aware of the gravity of her actions. In my opinion, there is no graceful way to conclude this encounter. Believing it to be the best response, I allowed the following words to escape my lips.

"That was the most incredible blowjob I've ever experienced," I replied meekly.

Before I could utter another word, she stood up abruptly and immediately walked away.

"Please put on your shorts. Please... nothing happened between us," she pleaded, fully aware that she had committed an irreversible act. Truth be told, her plea made me feel guilty about my initial plan. However, what's done is done, and now I must do what I can to diffuse this unexpected turn of events.

"I understand that we should not have engaged in this, but it was truly amazing", I continued without hesitation, believing these words to be the best choice. "You are my girlfriend's mother, but as a healthy man, it is impossible not to be attracted to a beautiful woman like you."

"Please, just stop," she pleaded, her face buried in her hands. Not wanting to lose the only opportunity I had, I persisted in speaking, with no intention of ceasing. "There must be a reason for your actions... do you feel the same way about me?"

She remained silent, her hands still covering her face. "You do, don't you?" I pressed on, doing my best to prevent her from fleeing. "I... I really enjoyed what you did... it was the most memorable moment of my life..."

Without uttering another word, she walked away and retreated to her room. Shit, did I make a mistake? Not wanting it to end like this, I followed her and attempted to continue the conversation. However, she shut the door in my face before I could formulate another sentence. "Please go to sleep," she said from behind the door, "We will discuss this tomorrow."

And so, I did, realizing there was no opportunity to continue the conversation. It seems I am now faced with a dilemma. If the girls find out, I am as good as dead. For now, I must try to get some rest. However, it is impossible to sleep after such an encounter. I have been tossing and turning in bed for a good fifteen minutes. My penis remains aroused, making it impossible to find solace in slumber. Furthermore, the impending doom I face only exacerbates my unease.

I need some form of release. Even going for a jog would be beneficial. With this in mind, I left my room and headed straight for the living room. A couple of laps around the neighborhood would be ideal at this moment. Opening the door with one hand and slipping on my shoes with the other, I found myself hopping around, attempting to regain my balance. Perhaps due to the noise I was making, I heard a door creak open.

"Are you going somewhere?" Her voice pierced through my ears, causing me to pause immediately. I turned my head to the side, witnessing her emerging from her room. "I... yes, I'm going for a jog," I replied, offering her an awkward smile.

"I shouldn't have reacted that way earlier... it was my fault," she responded, her answer catching me off guard. "Are you available tomorrow?" she asked, her gaze fixed on the floor. There was no way I would not be available after hearing her question.

My Girlfriend's Nubile SisterWhere stories live. Discover now