Chapter 16

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June 6, 2023

Dear Diary,
Ollie has been talking so much lately! She loves looking in the mirror and talking to herself. I have no idea if she knows what's happening, but it's the cutest thing. She's 4 months now.
She's also been able to keep her head up more often. She likes looking around when I'm feeding her.
Julie and Damon are really close to getting engaged! Damon asked me about ideas I had, and I gave him some. No spoilers, though!
I haven't talked to Chocolate Milk in a while. But he's been really happy lately. That's a good sign!

July 27, 2023

Dear Diary,
Julie made the best pizza last night. She's the cook from now on.
Ollie has been rolling around on the floor lately! She loves tummy time and looking at everything. Whenever she rolls over, she giggles to herself and then looks around. She also tends to spit up, but I'll take what I can get. She's almost 6 months now! Crazy how time flies.
I talked to Chocolate Milk last night. He didn't ask me when I was coming, just how life was. He said that he often felt me feeling overwhelmed and asked if I was okay. I told him I was and that I'm still working as hard as I can to get to him soon. He told me that he'd wait forever if he had to and then I woke up.
Florence and Andrew are getting married next weekend! Me and Ollie have been invited to the wedding, so we're definitely going to make an appearance.
Olls has been loving car rides. She also LOVES StrayKids. Not sure why, but it can always calm her down.

August 14, 2023

Dear Diary,
Florence and Andy just got back from their honeymoon. They came straight to my place and gave Ollie the outfit they bought for her. A hula skirt and a coconut bra. She hated it, but it was adorable. She has her Halloween costume now!
Damon finally proposed to Julie! He set up lights in the living room and had them do a scavenger hunt. It was precious. Now I'm helping Jules plan her wedding!
I've found a really good babysitter, so I've been working at the restaurant more often. I leave Ollie in the day for a few hours and work. Then come home and we play for a while.
She is soooo close to saying mama! I keep repeating it to her, and I just know that she's going to say it soon! She's also really close to crawling. She loves rocking back and forth on her legs, so she's getting ready. Also she just turned 6 months! She is so big.
Chocolate Milk told me that he's really excited to meet me. He's been reading about soulmates and found some cool articles that talked about growing close without having met. He's been trying to send me emotions, feelings, and thoughts. I've had a few "You're beautiful," thoughts come into my mind, and he's very happy that those are getting through.

September 30, 2023

Dear Diary,
Julie is getting married in 3 months, and she's freaking out. She just got her dress, though, and it's so pretty! She has everything planned, so I'm not sure why she's freaking out. Wedding things, I guess.
Ollie has finally sat up by herself! She loves clapping when she does it, and we all clap with her. She's almost 8 months now! She loves sitting in her high chair and eating snacks. Also loves watching romance movies. She's got good taste. She loves smiling, because I smile back when she does it. She is the cutest baby. I know she isn't my biological daughter, but I've been so blessed. 
Florence and Andrew have been babysitting her more often! They've grown to love her so much. They're thinking about having a baby soon, so they keep asking if they can sleepover with her while I go out on the town. I don't want to, but they won't stop bothering me. Maybe I will one day.
I've been able to leave Ollie for 8 hours at once with the babysitter and she's been fine! The babysitter is really good, so I've been fine to leave her. I think me and Ollie are going to get our own place when Julie and Damon get married. I've been looking at places and have found a couple. I want it close to Julie, but also not too expensive. So we'll see what I find.

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