My Mind Is Weird..... (Sonic T. Hedgehog)

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5/24/15 guess this my first journal entry. Am I supposed to write my dreams in here? Feelings? This honestly seems stupid, but Tails is making me do this.

I guess I should tell you about what's been bugging me lately...'s a recurring dream I've been having. It starts off with me getting dressed in a suit. Since I'm wearing pants, the occasion must be important.

I'm getting ready to leave the room; when Tails and Knuckles rush in with big smiles. They shove me away from the door and say I can't go yet.

Then they start congratulating me and giving me high fives and pats on the back. I'm really confused, but in the dream I seem to know what's been happening.

"Thanks guys" is all I keep repeating. Then there's like a time skip and I'm standing underneath a flowery tree and on a stage. The entire village is in chairs starring up at me.

Then the music starts playing.

Wedding music.

I'm starting to freak out in both the dream and in my head.

Who was I getting married to?! I'm not old enough to get married! I still have adventures to go on!

A woman in a dress starts walking down the aisle. I can't see who it is through the vial, not can I see any part of her body. She's covered head to toe in a white dress. My foot really wants to start tapping from excitement, but I won't let it.

The bride looks slender and thin. The white dress fit perfectly around her waist. The preacher in front if us starts speaking and I'm standing there beside the woman I probably barely knew!

Then the preacher presents the rings and we put the rings on, say our vows, and say our yes's.

"You may now kiss the bride"

I pull back the vail and I see Amy's face. I'm shocked and happy at the same time. I'm leaning into the kiss when I wake up sweating.

My head and heart are both pounding. My entire body is always shaking! I'm not sure if it's from shock or happiness, but my entire face is red and wet from the sweating. My mouth is dry and I can't seem to move my legs.

It takes about fifteen minutes for my legs to come back and me to feel normal again. But then I can't get back to sleep. I usually go over to Tails' house to talk this out, all he's done is offer me this journal.

I really want to figure out what that dream is saying to me. Is it saying I should marry Amy? Is it saying that I really do love Amy? I want to know...

I think I do love her...

And I really think we could be together...

I just...need to ask her out. But she deserves something grand! Until I have something great planned...she just has to stay me friend...

I suppose that's it.

Alright, bye
Sonic T. Hedgehog 🔵💨

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