chapter 8 🪄🧹🧙🏻‍♀️

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The little witch was flying on his broomstick' tokki ' to gather ingredients from an old grandma, as his mom had instructed him.

The little witch reached an old cottage.

"Let's get it, guys," he said to Jusul, Tokki, and Jipang.

He entered the cottage. "Grandma, Koo is here," he shouted while entering.

He saw an old witch stirring a big pot with a twisted spoon over a cauldron.

"Ahh, my baby, come, didn't visit grandma for so long," the old witch said, abandoning the boiling potion and approaching the baby witch.

Jungkook giggled when the lady hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead, cheeks, and nose.

"Grandma, you sure missed your Kookie a lot," the little witch giggled. He was feeling so happy all of a sudden.

"A lot," the old witch said with tears in her eyes but got rid of them before they fell.

She hugged him again, and Jungkook was loving every bit of it.

After some time, the elder witch left the younger.

"What did my baby want?" the witch asked the baby witch with much affection.

"Oh, silly me, I totally forgot. Mumma asked for 'moonlight dew and phoenix feather,'" Jungkook informed the old witch.

"Oh, what is our head witch making today?" the witch asked adorably.

"Mumma is teaching me to make Mandrake but got short of ingredients," Jungkook said in excitement.

"Oh, but our baby witch is too small to learn to make that potion," the old witch said with a frown, not liking why the baby witch was asked to do any job.

"I want to make Mandrake for my alpha," the baby witch said with his head held high and proud, smiling.

The old witch was flabbergasted.

"W..Why?" she asked.

"What why, Grandma? My beloved alpha always injures himself, so I am learning it to treat him quickly so my alpha is safe and sound," he said while pouting.

"You sure love your alpha a lot," the witch said without an expression, in low voice .

"I do," Jungkook said while smiling.

"Baby, you need to stay away from him, you know that, right?" the witch said in a low voice.

Jungkook started hyperventilating, not understanding why everyone says to stay away from his man. He frowned and took deep breaths.

"I will not," he declared sternly.

"But ba-"

"Grandma, I understand you want better for me, but always remember Jungkook is alive for his alpha. If there is no alpha, there is no Jungkook," he said with a stern expression, leaving no room for disagreement.

The old witch hugged the baby witch tightly without saying anything.

After a few minutes, she disappeared into a room full of potions and came with 'morninglight dew' and 'phoenix feather.' She passed them to Jungkook and kissed him for the last time before sending him home.

"Met him?" an old lady, exactly the same copy of the lady standing on the door, appeared from nowhere.

The old lady at the door looked at her same copy.

Suddenly, the old hut filled with green glitters and green fog.

The old witch at the door transformed into a handsome tall alpha with sharp eyes showing a shade of green.

"For how long are you gonna hide from him, Taehyung?" the old witch said to the man standing in front of him.

The man said nothing, looking at the way the baby witch went.

"For saving him, I can hide forever, but-" Taehyung whispered.

"But?" the old witch asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I am at the brink of breaking my promise and showing myself. His love is making me so weak," Taehyung whispered.

The hut filled with red glitters, shimmer, and red fog. The old lady transformed into a young diva donned in a red gown.

"My child, my Koo is hurting," she said.

"Weren't you the one who actually cursed me, moon goddess?" Taehyung said with a bitter-laced voice.

"Weren't you the one who actually separated me from my love?"

"Weren't you the one who made me wait for hundreds of years for my Koo, for my baby, for my love?" Taehyung said, shedding tears from his eyes.

"Deities commit mistakes sometimes, my child. They get jealous sometimes, my son," she said with shame.

"So you admit you were wrong?" he asked.

"What I did, I did in love," she said, her head held low.

"I admit my mistake; that's why I am telling you to not hurt my other child this much," she said.

"I still don't trust you," he said after prolonged silence.

The little witch was hopping around the coven with ingredients; all of a sudden, he was feeling so happy. He was giggling and dancing on his way back home. Jusul, Tokki, Jipang were so happy looking at their owner being this happy. Koo was laughing even looking at flowers and stones on the way back home; everything feels so good and beautiful all of a sudden.

"I came, Mumma," he said while giggling, entering his home.

Jin looked at his son; he smiled looking at his son being this happy.

"My dumpling is this happy, may I know the reason?" Jin asked his son.

"Met grandma after so long, I am feeling so good and happy," Jungkook giggled.

Jin smiled at his baby.

"Okay, come, I will teach you how to make Mandrake," Jin said smiling.

"Yeah, finally," Jungkook said in excitement.

The little witch finally learned how to make Mandrake; he is so happy, now he can treat his beloved alpha when he meets him.

The little witch went to his room and lay on the bed; he kept staring at the ceiling, thinking something, confusing Tokki, Jipang, and Jusul.

Suddenly, he stood up and sat on the bed.

"Tomorrow, we are going to the forbidden woods to find my alpha," he said in excitement to his partners in crime, i.e., Jusul, Tokki, and Jipang.

"Head witch will kill us this time," Tokki said.

"No, she will not; I am too cute to get killed," Jungkook answered.

"But what if we couldn't find your alpha this time too?" Jusul asked.

"We will find him with the help of that idiot alpha who also lives in the woods," Jungkook said, smiling, proud of his plan.

"Yeah, this time I will meet that strong alpha," Jipang said in excitement.

"Oh, Jipang, that big bad meanie is so annoying, but I will bear it for my lovely alpha," he said, smiling.


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