chapter 9 🧙🏻‍♀️🪄🧹

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"I mean, for how long are you gonna use this invisibility potion, when you know the head witch can easily catch you," Tokki rolled his nonexistent eyes on his owner.

"Hushhh, Tokki, don't speak. Mumma is not at home right now; it's best to run away right now," the little witch whispered as his father is at home, but since he is a wolf, he will not be able to catch the witchcraft of the little baby witch.

Jungkook sat on Tokki on his balcony with Jusul sitting on his head and Jipang in his gown.

"Guys, let's get it," Jungkook said excitedly and flew away. Soon they reached the outside of the coven; the baby witch looked back at his home, at his coven.

"I promise mumma, papa, I will come back soon with my alpha this time," the little witch whispered in tears, looking at his coven that was fading away with every passing second.

"Little witch, don't feel bad; remember we are going to meet your alpha soon," Jusul said to cheer her owner, and it did. The witch's sour mood instantly lifted up.

"Yeahhh, my alpha, your baby witch is coming for you," the witch shouted loudly, gliding above the forbidden woods.

"Tokki, you remember that big bad meanie's home, right?" the little witch asked.

"Yes, little witch, we are just going to be there in a few minutes," Tokki answered.

"Jipang, why are you so silent?" Jungkook asked.

"Emmm, little witch, I am nervous to meet the s..strong alpha," Jipang said in a low voice, to which Jungkook rolled his eyes, thinking about his bully. He can't deny the fact that he was excited to meet him, actually, he was very excited to meet him.

"Oh, come on, don't tell me you got a crush on a wolf now," Tokki rolled his nonexistent eyes on Jipang who didn't say anything in return, and this didn't sit well  with Jungkook. He didn't like anyone having a crush on the big bad meanie, and when he asked himself why he didn't like it, he answered himself loudly that

"The big bad meanie will bully his partner too, that's why Koo didn't like anyone having a crush on him or him  having a crush on anyone." The little witch nodded his head, proud of his answer, head held high.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night, little witch," Tokki said, smirking with his nonexistent lips.

"What do u meaaaa AAAAAA TOKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII," Tokki suddenly sped up, the little witch holding him from one hand and Jusul with the other hand; Jusul was also shouting, cursing at Tokki. The scene seems too familiar, but this time Tokki didn't stop in the middle; he landed the little witch safely outside the cottage of the alpha.

Jungkook smiled looking at the cottage donned with snow; yellow lights could be seen from the windows, indicating that the alpha is inside.

The witch squealed in excitement to see the big bad meanie *cough* *cough* not big bad meanie but to sleep on that comfy mattress, yes, to sleep, yes, it has to be like that...

Jungkook started banging the door loudly.

Suddenly the door opened with a gloomy-looking deadly alpha whose demeanor was speaking blood and wrath, but suddenly his eyes changed to shock, and then to surprise and then to happiness.

The alpha took a deep breath and pulled  the witch in his arms. He sniffed the fragrance of the baby witch from his neck to calm his heart down.

Jipang was drooling on the alpha , Jusul was confused, while Tokki was smirking, all with their nonexistent lips.

The witch was frozen, he was shocked at the gesture of the elder, he felt the hug so comforting and he never wanted to let it go ~ Jungkook's eyes shot open in realization.

He pushed the alpha and glared at him, Taehyung didn't like how the baby witch detached himself from him, but when he saw the cute sight of the baby glaring at him, he chuckled.

"Achew," the little witch sneezed. He sniffed his running nose cutely and said, "Get away big bad meanie, only my alpha can hug me huh," he said throwing tantrums.

"Achew," the little witch sneezed again.

"Oh my baby witch, you will catch a cold if you keep standing outside; come inside quickly," the alpha said smiling.

Jungkook again sniffled and entered the cottage, and then he realized something.

"You ~" Jungkook began to say something but was cut by Taehyung.

"I know only your alpha can call you 'baby,' I get that; now come inside, sit near the fireplace," Taehyung said chuckling, to which the little witch nodded his tiny head

"You and your alpha," he said  chuckling while disappearing in the open kitchen area.

The little witch sat near the fireplace, enjoying the heat coming.

Taehyung was making soup for the little witch as the baby witch was on the verge of catching a cold, but during the process, he burnt his finger. He hissed lightly, making sure no one hears.

Jungkook hissed; he looked at his own finger and pouted sadly.

"Oh, my beloved stupid alpha, please don't hurt yourself, hurt yourself only if I am there to help you out," he mumbled sadly, his mood again becoming sour.

Jipang's nonexistent mouth reached the floor; he looked at Tokki with his nonexistent wide eyes.

Tokki nodded his nonexistent head,

"Yes, my brother, both our little witch and Jusul are so slow and dumb ," he said to Jipang, who nodded still shocked.

"Little witch, drink this  while it's warm," Taehyung sat near the baby witch and gave him the soup.

The witch sniffed his running nose and drank it from the bowl.

His mouth was full of the soup; he looked at the alpha with astonished eyes and gave him a thumbs up. Taehyung chuckled at his antics.

He feels like his life is complete all of a sudden.

He was  looking at the witch lovingly, he cleaned the corner of the lips of the younger  like a mother does to her child. He kept smiling, looking at the baby witch until he finished the soup.


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